lol, this so muchLook at this nigga. Those fish have to breath underwater but he isn't giving a single fuck. He continues to ride them until they will most likely die and then he will just call others to do it. He can probably swim faster than they can fly but he doesn't care, he want's to look gangster and it's working.
Oh no I'm just basing it off the context of the him riding flying fishes. I don't really follow Aquaman comics to be factual about if you don't think Aquaman is dark and gritty, I don't think you have followed his comic at all. he's the closest thing the Justice League has to a red lantern.
Dude, Aquamans using imperatives against the man who is basically the mortal god of the DC universe.I do not care for your animated gifs.
wouldn't you like a water powered armor? like green lantern's one. that would keep him at his prime. i hope they don't give him the hook hand i don't like that. just the trident and his normal hair100% certain Aquaman is in the game, they have hinted at him a million times.
I'm kinda sad though, boon keeps saying there going to make the most badass Aquaman ever, I honestly would just rather have the normal young looking short haired blond dude with an orange shirt.
Just give him really awesome moves, and very cool animations and win/intro animations to make people like him.
I really hope they just don't go all crazy grim dark with him, like long hair, beard, hook hand, crazy armor.
No not really.wouldn't you like a water powered armor? like green lantern's one. that would keep him at his prime
i'd prefer that to be batman's over what he currently hasAquaman's fighting stance.
well i agree, i just tried to come up with why he can fight so well againts superman or stuff, i know he is not useless on land btw.No not really.
I want plain jane Aquaman.
DC wants to make Aquaman awesome again, and if they want to do that, they can't half ass it by reinventing him as someone completely new, they have to make people respect him for who he is.
And for the most part, they have done a great job with it in the new 52, but that's limited to comic fans, they need to have his new52 version in other media like video games so the mainstream can see him.
If they make him completely different for the game, but make him bad ass, people will respect the NRS version of Aquaman, not the character as a whole, if that makes any sense.
I'm just rambling though.