First post in a LONG time....
One big thing people are forgetting here is that adding a 'Guest' character isn't nearly as simple as some of you apparently think it is.
NRS/WB Games first have to seek permission from the property owner to use that character which can be easily shut down even before a negotiation begins due to the owner not wanting to affiliate their properties with each other.
Second, a firm contractual agreement (typically involving $$$) has to be made. If NRS/WB Games aren't interested in what the other owner demands, they can back away. This has happened before in fact. Wayyy back in the MK9 days, Boon commented that they sought to use a Gears of War character as exclusive content for the Xbox version of the game. However, Epic Games demanded a ridiculous percentage of sales and Boon backed out of the offer.
Now, I know a lot of folks claim that Todd McFarland has 'granted' NRS permission to use Spawn in one of their games based on an interview with Event Hubs in February 2015. Well you should know that Boon denied ever making such an agreement:
For all we know, it could be that someone is talking out of their ass, or maybe the deal was particularly crummy and NRS would rather deny it exists.
So as much as some of you guys want Hellboy, TMNT, Power Ranges (wtf?), know that more factors than just fan demand play a big part of this. Even different divisions of WB may decline to allow an affiliate company to use their properties if they feel the IP's don't mix. And just because you have permission to use something doesn't mean that the stipulations behind the agreement may be beneficial to you.
That all being said, I can't help but lol at many people who have been so hype for this games based on launch content suddenly jumping on a hate train over DLC because their '5th Back-up Main' isn't going to be in the game. Please.....