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Indifferent chars to me

It's hard for me to say that there's a character I don't want to try because I do want to play as all of them, but if I had to choose, probably GL and Sinestro would be closer to the bottom of the list.


It's hard for me to say that there's a character I don't want to try because I do want to play as all of them, but if I had to choose, probably GL and Sinestro would be closer to the bottom of the list.
yeah I feel the same way, so do what I did and just try to list a few people you want to "play last" when you try it out.

While some people probably have red negative number hate.

Me and you probably have mostly green like. But I'm sure there are higher green numbers than others.
Superman ( I just not the biggest fan of his I'll try him out but he will be the least of my priorities)
Grundy(Im just going to use him to finish his chain grab)
Doomsday(boring character to me)
Shazam( I rather use Black Adam first)
Wonder women( not impressed with her gameplay )


Kung Fu Treachery
There isn't a single character on the roster I'm not interested in. I like to know the fundamentals and a few decent combos with everybody. Comes from my long standing fondness of Shang Tsung. Plus, there is no telling who I may fall in love with.

However, from a pure character stand point I'm least interested in:
Joker - Always preferred Harley. Especially when she is not with Mistah J. (Glad that is how it is now in the game and New 52)
Green Lantern - Hal is okay, but I'm a Sinestro man. If we get a John Stewart alt though...

Down 2

The only character i'm indifferent about right now is Killer Frost. Hopefully when I see gameplay that will change, but I doubt it because her inclusion makes very little sense to me.


There ain't a single character I'm not gonna give their fair shake. Most of the characters I'm not hype for are the ones we've seen the least footage for, and I think there's a heavy correlation there.
We've seen Lex and Joker. And no hype for me at all.


I'll probably try em all but id say Killer frost, Lex luthor,Raven, Ares and Doomsday had very little appeal to me before this game so i could care less about em.


Burn in my Light
Who I like a females minus Wonder Woman GL Deathstroke Sinestro
Who I hate Shazam Aquaman Bane Doomsmeh
Indifferent about the rest

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Can't judge that for now. I'll decide when there's going to be an achievement where I have to finish classic with everyone and there's a character with a crappy BnB.


Plus on block.
I'll dedicate at least 15 minutes in the lab with everyone to at least give them a chance, but there are a few I doubt i'd like.

Harley: Even though both of her costumes are not bad, I would only play as her in her classic, this is dumb I know, but hey. She also looks too weak for me to use.
Green Lantern: I was hoping he'd play like Ermac, but he looks like a traditional zoner. I don't really like Zoners unless they have some crazy shit, like Sinestro.
Aquaman: He looks boring and practical.
Nightwing: I hate the way he looks in this game, maybe once I get his alt. I also don't really care for stance characters.
Superman: I never really liked Superman as a character on any medium.
Green Arrow: ^^^^, he also looks like a really lame version of UMvC3's Hawkeye, in terms of playstyle and moves.

That said i'll probably end up using most of them anyway, like in MK9, I like to learn everyone at least a little so I can mix it up online.


The Terminator
Lex, i hate that character with a passion and his character design in the game is terrible, no offense to any lex fans lol


Toys can't save you!
Majority of the male characters except for Black Adam, Aquaman, and Sinestro.

On the fence about WW though, I want to play her because I wanna feel like I'm playing Pyrrha from Soulcalibur, but other then that she's just not doing it for me from what I've seen so far.