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I'm Sick of Buffs/Nerfs and Tiers Thread

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Seriously guys, if at least NRS have announced a hotfix i would understand, but coming here everyday and see buffs/nerfs all day is making my head shaking.

If you have any problem with your character deal with it, don't post up your buffs ideas when you have some problem with it.

The same applies to the tier list that change every hour, as i said before, we should just grab all these threads and set them on fire.



I agree.

People who keep complaining and requesting buffs - then stop playing your character and pick up Kabal already.

People who keep complaining about their character being bad - then stop playing your low tier character.

People who call other characters broken - deal with it or man up and main the character if it bothers you that much.


dude i am so fucking sick of seeing both kinds of threads, ESPECIALLY "buffs to help kitana rush down" LMFAO!! team that with the "buffs for mileena" i just want to be sick.


Lt. Boxy Angelman

In all seriousness...characters don't need buffs. We as players need buffs.
It's unfortunate that we have a cast where loyalty takes a backseat to counter-necessity, but that's the price of competition.

Kabal doesn't need nerfs. Players (myself included) just need a more practical way to learn to deal with him.

Every game has/has had "that" character(s).
Marvel had Wesker and Phoenix. SF4 had Viper and the twins.. Tekken had Bob. We have Kabal.
For every Reo and *insert adept Kabal player's name here*, you have 6 or 7 people who THINK they can do the same damage when they're simply asking to be blown up because they're putting all their chickens in his basket.

This is MK9. For better or worse. It's time we all stop praying to the sky and learn to accept it.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Nut up should've been used here lol.

But yeah this shit needs to stop. People are too worried about who is too good or who is awful and aren't doing enough playing of the game.


Buff threads and match up threads are all equally annoying, because they're both essentially the same thing.


Online Punching Bag
I made a rediculous list of nerfs the other day just to get a reaction off people and they were angry lol. I dunno about most other TYM players but I don't see myself winning or even going to a big tournament anytime soon so I don't take this game that seriously.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I agree.

People who keep complaining and requesting buffs - then stop playing your character and pick up Kabal already.

People who keep complaining about their character being bad - then stop playing your low tier character.

People who call other characters broken - deal with it or man up and main the character if it bothers you that much.
Fuckin' A.


Yung Kneecaps
Every character is balanced, like a wise man once said, you play 20% character and 80% the player. Unless if its braindead kenshi, then you play 100% the character and 0% the player.


My blades will find your heart
Every character is balanced, like a wise man once said, you play 20% character and 80% the player. Unless if its braindead kenshi, then you play 100% the character and 0% the player.
How many Good Kenshis can you actually name? That dont just zone and look puzzled when you get in?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Every character is balanced, like a wise man once said, you play 20% character and 80% the player. Unless if its braindead kenshi, then you play 100% the character and 0% the player.
Pig Of The Hut actually has a solid Kenshi.

But i have to admit, that tele beatdowns are annoying and dificult closing in, but the real problem is when you do and he as meter, he pratically builds a wall around him, and this is were players should be carefull and not asking for nerfs


Yung Kneecaps
Pig Of The Hut actually has a solid Kenshi.

But i have to admit, that tele beatdowns are annoying and dificult closing in, but the real problem is when you do and he as meter, he pratically builds a wall around him, and this is were players should be carefull and not asking for nerfs
Not asking for nerfs or even buffs. Pig is one of my friends and he is one of the best players which puzzles me why he uses kenshi. No offense to anyone just hate that character