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I'm not sure what to do


Head Cage
Ok so i went to operation wolf last night actually and i played the worst i think i have ever... but i also didn't have fun while i played in the tournament only when i was playing at arcade and playing random select matches, but i think it's because i honestly hate playing kabal but at the same time i don't like losing, so I'm kinda stuck because if i wanted to play only for fun I'd play cyber sub zero no second thought but i want to win as well which if we're being honest is most likely not going to happen playing him. So here is the question besides kabal what character who doesn't have too many bad match ups is really fun to play i don't need all advantage or anything just not too many 3-7s. Thanks in advance.

Edit: this was horribly punctuated please forgive me heh heh I'm still really out of it i was a tad sleep deprived haha.