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I'm diseased



Anyway, im here to kick all your asses on the xbox live. I really don't want to be dealing with shitty 12 year-olds pricks spamming spear all day.

I'm also really interested in finding an xbox O.C.(orange county CA) MKer to throw down with offline. Anyways, I hope you guys are cool, I have my doubts.




Anyway, im here to kick all your asses on the xbox live. I really don't want to be dealing with shitty 12 year-olds pricks spamming spear all day.

I'm also really interested in finding an xbox O.C.(orange county CA) MKer to throw down with offline. Anyways, I hope you guys are cool, I have my doubts.
Welcome to TYM.

Gunz is form Orange County, I used to go to his casuals every week when Valle hosted sessions in his garage.

Anyhow, a lot of us get together often, just check our matchmaking thread. We are kicking it in Van Nuys on Saturday if you want to go and play, let us know.

I'm also hosting casuals at my school in Monrovia, and possibly at my house very soon. My bro moved out and I might get the garage, so it will be like the ultimate chill spot. lol

. I really don't want to be dealing with shitty 12 year-olds pricks spamming spear all day.

I'm also really interested in finding an xbox O.C.(orange county CA) MKer to throw down with offline. Anyways, I hope you guys are cool, I have my doubts.
if that is what your looking for you came to the right place welcome to tym
I main Scorpion, but I don't spam his spear... :(
OK. Let me clarify. I have no problem with the scorpion and sub-zero mains that will probably be EVERYWHERE, just as long as you know what you're doing. At the same time I really hope that the variety of playstyles this game seems to be offering will entice players to pick a more obscure character(I refuse to do that K thing) as their main. I think this will be the case, because there doesn't appear to be too many outright lame characters in the mix. Hopefully these elements will make for some diverse, fun, and engaging online play.

Speaking of mains, as far as pre-release videos and such I can't seem to pick even one character that I know I want to at least use as a secondary. They all seem appealing in their own unique ways. So far Kano, Kabal, Kitana, Liu, Shang, Cyrax, Ermac are all favorites to be my number one. But I know it probably be determined a few weeks after release.


Welcome to TYM. I'm on XBL if you're up for some matches Tag or Singles add me, that is if you like Sonya.


welcome :)

what about some fireball spamming with Sindel??? :p :sindel:
Now thats something I wouldn't mind doing either or we can just impale opps on a staff like kababs and throw boomerangs all day yeah seems like the beginning of 12-year old spamming hate messages good times, good times yes lets maul the competition :cheers: