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I'm about to quit online...


UPR DanableLector
Heres an idea bryan. DONT READ IT. You don't like the thread? Don't read it. Its simple but please do not make posts on this thread. Your whining and bitching about someone else whining and bitching. Chill out you thread nazi. The guy is just looking for some fellow MK players to confide in.. not be looked down upon and ridiculed.


UPR DanableLector
...Or at least take a long break. I love MK9 but the online is killing me. It was terrible, then it was good, the it was eh, and now it's just downright awful. I have been using Sub Zero, and the utter crap I come across is astounding. For instance, I had a game with a Kung Lao who did nothing but low hats, teleports, and spins after and Xray. Fine, I'm used to it. But here is where I got pissed off; I did my Xray and he jumped. My Xray somehow didn't connect, but I SAW 3/4s OF SUB ZERO PASS THROUGH LAO. I just laughed. Immediately after this, I played an Ermac. This game was just retarded. I'd get him in a corner and 212 into ice clone pressure, but luckily for him, his arm could reach right through the clone and do a standard TKP and... He's free! All of my work for nothing. In the same game I did a spontaneous X-ray to chip him out and give me some armor to get through the TKP/TKS... But he D1'd me and my armor flared but the X-ray didn't connect. Super. Mind you, he didn't TKP and then D1, he just D1'd. Stuff like this happens in about 70-80% of my games... It's killer.
/rant :grr:
I completely understand your pains my friend. Ive been on both sides of issues like that. The only thing you can do is laugh and try to move on. The lag is the worst, but hey.. its online, what are you gonna do? Ive lost to complete scrubs before that cant even handle the complexities of the standard dial up combos, and just spammed specials all because of serious lag. You just have to take online play with a grain of salt.


Take it with a grain of salt. You could possibly learn some matchups to a certain extent but upping your game is a different story. This games online is unplayable and horrendous . Oonline will never = offline but this games online is on a whole nother level of shit. I think shit is better than MK online actually.

PS. Ermac is a bpain in the ass for Sub Zero. You can't get free safe block strings canceled into ice clone because his tk push beats it from anywhere on the screen.


Ex Mortis
NOOOO NOT A SZ! I play for fun now really, it's a game.. just saying, people play who they play as much as I hate every mileena, jc, nw, kl, and pretty much the rest of the cast due to how retarted it can be for St up close, I still try to enjoy the game.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Online play is for fun first and the ability to learn how most of the roster plays at beginner to intermediate level. Few people play the game at an advanced level online, but you find those people and hope you're good enough to interest them in some private matches.

For me, as Skarlet, being able to land my combos online has helped me land them offline, and vice versa. Unless you consistently have an awful connection, in which case lag will mess with your timing. I typically have a good enough connection (under 1sec input lag, usually .5sec or faster) so it's not a big switch to delay inputs half a second, which does over time improve my knowledge of the character and combos.

What does this have to do with the original post? I'm not totally sure. But OP - it sounds like you aren't fully aware of Subzero's weaknesses (a good zoner, like Skarlet, can have a field day with Subzero, same with Ermac) and also not fully aware of Subzero's moves (Clone, Xray). Not trying to put you down, but when you see something happen that doesn't make sense, perhaps see if you can recreate it, or look on the Subzero forums to see if you can find some research that's been done on his moves to better understand him. That way you won't say "WTF online bullshit!" but instead "oh shit, right, Clone only actually hits on torso and head, so when I 212clone Ermac in the corner I need to be better at dashblocking to get back up in his face." :)


Kitana Prime aka MK's Rated R Superstar
^ YOU. GGs earlier although I didn't close one out ... minor :salty: lol

Anyway, online is what it is.

There's nothing we can do but adjust to it.

Then again, online is all I have so...yeah. Maybe find the offline scene in your area?

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Online's ass and Ermac's a terrible matchup for Sub. I can land most of Ermac's combos but it's honestly more effective just TKPing the other player until they've hit that level of frustration where you can consistently land TKSes. Really, what it boils down to here is, online is a steaming pile of garbage and Ermac's a dirty bastard. This game is big on counterpicking, huge I'd say. You know, unless you strictly play Kung Wow, since he excels at everything without breaking a sweat.

And for whatever irrational reason, NRS hasn't given Sub armor on EX slide.


Come On Die Young
I'm about to quit online too. Tonight I lost 5 matches in a row to JediRobb's Sindel. GODDAMN PROJECTILE SPAMMING SALT SALT SALT.



offline > online > no mk

always keep this in mind

i also think that once you've played online a couple of weeks you should know which players and koth rooms to avoid

i still see USA players joining european rooms and this is dumb sice both player's online experience is worsened

between players of the same area the experience is still enjoyable
i'm used to nice games between other european players where i can pull off all the crap i would do offline

focus on playing the same you would offline
obviously some tactics will be more difficult to be handled (projectiles spam for example) or pulled off
and most of the time you can't interrupt pressing strings you would offline
and enjoy what you have

sadly fighting games are played the most in online enviroments
40 players entering a major tournament (when the game sold 3 million copies) are even more sad when they start complaining about online players and skill (heard some sorry crap as a comment during the SJ streaming)

look at mustard, ketchup and f0xy,
they're incredible players with thousands online matches each (f0xy alone has 10)
playing with a bit of lag won't hurt that much
unless you challenge someone from the other side of the globe
He's free! All of my work for nothing. In the same game I did a spontaneous X-ray to chip him out and give me some armor to get through the TKP/TKS... But he D1'd me and my armor flared but the X-ray didn't connect. Super. Mind you, he didn't TKP and then D1, he just D1'd. Stuff like this happens in about 70-80% of my games... It's killer.
/rant :grr:
Isn't SubZero's XRay the only one in the game without armor? But anywho we're all ragers man, and sometimes luck wins out on talent. Don't let a few bad matches discourage you! You can only get better with each lose.
It's always best to have an alternate character and switch between the two, having a single main character really won't help you, especially online.
Agreed with this, Scorp has some pretty awful matchups that i got tired of. So i learned cage which helped me out. Now i've branched out to reptile, ermac and others

Matchups are one of if not the most important thing in this game tbh


Agreed with this, Scorp has some pretty awful matchups that i got tired of. So i learned cage which helped me out. Now i've branched out to reptile, ermac and others

Matchups are one of if not the most important thing in this game tbh
Scorpion is GODLIKE
Scorpion is GODLIKE
As a character, IMO yes. Matchups...idk about that

Really though even if your main has the best matchups in the game, you should branch out to other characters anyway. It was hella fun to me learning cage and is fun learning reptile, ermac and more.


Aquaman is dead lel
I tried Liu Kang online. Right now I can't speak because I've been shouting at the screen while fighting for a breath of fresh air with all the salt in my throat.

Quit? No way.


online sucks, but nothing the OP is complaining about is because of lag.

all i can say is learn your character dude