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i'll be gone for a month or so.


i was playing mw2 a few days ago and my ps3 suddenly froze. i cut it off and it came bavck on but wouldnt read any discs. i did a fan test took it apart and cleaned it but it still wouldnt read. after all that i reformated my hdd and lost everything. when i realized that i couldnt even play mk2 i totally flipped my shit. the ps3 was out of warranty and the new slim 120gb is only 289 so basically my ps3 ended up up in the backyard. :-[...anyways i hope that yhou are all playing around xmas when i get another ps3.


aw man that sucks. i jus added u 2day on my new slim 250gb ps3 i gt 2day
Maybe its time 4 u 2 get on kaillera 4 while


Forum General Emeritus
On a related note, I too will be taking a hiatus from MK2 to persue my true love in fighting games: Tekken. I've been waiting forever for a Tekken game (not that bs Tekken 5 DR) to be released online and now I finally have my wish. If anyone out there plays Tekken or is interested in playing it, hit me up. I would like to one day become proficient enough where I reach that "solid" level with all characters, but I'm nowhere near it right now. I'm off to start the training process. Again, find me if you wanna play sometime!

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
dciguy01 said:
On a related note, I too will be taking a hiatus from MK2 to persue my true love in fighting games: Tekken. I've been waiting forever for a Tekken game (not that bs Tekken 5 DR) to be released online and now I finally have my wish. If anyone out there plays Tekken or is interested in playing it, hit me up. I would like to one day become proficient enough where I reach that "solid" level with all characters, but I'm nowhere near it right now. I'm off to start the training process. Again, find me if you wanna play sometime!
Well, at least the netcode is the same on T6 as it is on T5DR ;)