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IGAU/TYM Thread Title issue.


Can we please please please please stop titling threads with "So...." or "Um....." or "I was thinking.."

When I'm scrolling through the forums looking for info or new developments in the game I can easily sift through threads I want to read and don't want to read by reading the title.... Stuning concept I know..... But that's how I typically chose which threads to skip and which ones to open.
However, lately some of these thread titles haven't been accurate descriptions of the threads content at all

For example: When you title a thread about your opinion on Lobo being bad with "Hum.." I have no idea what the hell the thread is going to be about and I have to read it to see if it's something important. Then I see that it's a complaint thread and there's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

Please stop with the ambiguous thread titles. Be descriptive in your title so people will know if it's something they want to read or not. This has become a very annoying trend recently and I've devoted too much of my attention to threads that don't deserve it because of vague titles. I can't be the only person that feels this way... Stahp it....

Thank you

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I agree. Also, most of these threads should be a status update, not a full blown thread. The forums, especially the IGAU forums, are absolutely cluttered.

Sent from The Turk


I know.

I love that TYM is getting all these new people man but thread etiquette has become a foreign concept lately.