If your Injustice characters do get hit badly in the upcoming patch or become broken as hell, Will you guys stick with them? I have been using Superman since day one and now that he has won EVO I know everyone is sick of him. I have also received multiple hate mails from using him but I don't care what other people think, Supes is my Fav. D.C. hero and I'll stick with him. So will you guys do the same or migrate to the next character that becomes "the best."
my main char already got nerfed, that's why i use MMH
lol, good one xDThat's why I decided to pick up characters that are guaranteed to be buffed
I think of it as an investment.
lol a high risk low reward char is not terrible??? dude, everything he got is now horrible, even his mb teleport can be punished now.if you think that scorpion is terrible now then you are truely a lazy player lol.... he is still good but it serves you right you cant teleport like a retard without getting punish for 40%
What if your character gets normalized tho?
the only things I see that can still be ''normalised'' are superman corner damage, black adam and flash damage.
Just joking around the word normalized.
I can see a lot of moves / backdash ( BA ) / traits normalized , Low gunshots were normalized , Grundy unclashable trait grab , OTGs and traits , nothing can be counted out.
Well if they touch his lighting then he's still going to be a top dog , i think they'll tweak the matchup polarising tools like BA's backdash and trait , not murdering them but slight nerfs would keep the character the same playstyle only more on a reasonable level , same for Supes less damage in the corner , some tweak to f23 and maybe a bit more recovery on heat vision and trait not breaking trait armor ( Bane and Lex and DD trait ).well OTG's that are left aren't ridiculously broken and OTG's add depth to the game imo. Black adam's zoning should be nerfed imo instead of backdash because he already anti zones with divekick, pretty much Kung lao day 1 where he outzones with low hat and anti zones really well except for that his zoning is better than kung laos and his anti zoning is also better than kung laos.
edit: they shouldnt nerf anybody too much not even black adam, he is nr1 imo and he shouldnt be nerfed from nr1 spot to 5th spot or whatever. just make the gap between him and other characters smaller while keeping him as a top 3 character.
Well if they touch his lighting then he's still going to be a top dog , i think they'll tweak the matchup polarising tools like BA's backdash and trait , not murdering them but slight nerfs would keep the character the same playstyle only more on a reasonable level , same for Supes less damage in the corner , some tweak to f23 and maybe a bit more recovery on heat vision and trait not breaking trait armor ( Bane and Lex and DD trait ).
WonderWoman i don't know what they are looking to but probably they're gonna touch OTG ( and if they are smart Iadg ).
About the second thing ya said... it doesn't work that way , reasonable nerfs to their dominant aspects is the only way to put them closer to the rest of the cast ( not that there's a huge gap in tiers tho unless we're talking bottom 5 ) , they can't nerf and say let's make sure he still is top 5 , even the devs don't know how the meta will change in a year or 2 , let's just wait for the patch then we can talk how it affects their playstyles , among all the characters Deathstroke is the most nerfed one and his playstyle changed drastically still you don't see DS mains dropping the game , yes we don't like the nerfs but we adapted and accepted our character isn't as good as he was in his glory days , if that's the first step to make the game more balanced then i'm all for it.