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Question If you could go back in time....


cr. HP Master
I would definitely go about 4 months back and prevent myself from listening to my ex to stop playing and to sell the game/consoles. I'd still be playing til this day.


I would have joined TYM way sooner. I did it backwards. Tourney first, study and practice and post later lol.

And to be honest, I've had a few drama queen moments I'm not proud of, especially when I was new and adjusting. I'd tell myself to calm the hell down, it's just the Internet and a video game. Try to cultivate a more laid back attitude sooner.

So yea. Just wish I would have been calmer and more prepared when I started playing/posting.


Tell myself that using only one character in tournament is a stupid idea, and have good secondaries.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I would go back a few weeks before the 1st VSA tournament and teach my former self the ways of the Pre-Patched Skarlet, and blow up everyone up on the Tag Tournament with Sorp/Skar team, with broken helfire blockstrings and slide slash glitches. LOLZ