I know
Maxintensity25 covered a lot of these...but I cant help it...too much fun. Ive got to double back on some
GGA Wafflez - Altimus Prime - this trait auto activates when Wafflez either says "I rush down hella" or "lift isnt that good". Wafflez must immediately play an alt of his choosing until he loses 3 straight (so three matches after activation). Trait can also be deactivated manually by Wafflez admitting that Green Lantern is just as braindead as Smoke.
Hruza Da Bruza - The button masher - when activated hruza no longer needs to mash on his own with risk of getting blown up. The game only allows d1s to come out when they will interrupt. 15 second cooldown. When on cooldown d1 doesnt work.
GGA Dizzy - footsies - when trait is activated there is no zoning in any fighting game on gods green earth. Fundamentals rule the day. Active for 1 day. 1 week cooldown. On cooldown everyone has an instant air fan.
GGA 16 Bit - debate class - on activation anyone within ear shot must argue that Kitana and Catwoman are top 5 characters. As trait times out (15 minute run time) all parties inexplicably agree with his down playing, and defer to his knowledge as a two time evo top 8 finalist. During cool down (4 hours), no one gives a shit about anything he says, and Tonys is out of apple pie.
GGA HAN - broke tech - upon activation anything han does, from playing black adam, to eating pizza, to playing super contra, to taking a shit, han will discover new broken tech that makes it twice as effective (reverse wipe technology). On cooldown he takes a nap.
GGA MOE30W - throw30 - upon activation all his buttons are mapped as throw. Moe was ahead of his time. He activated trait on release of mk9, and its still active. Estimated trait half life: 15 years
TheTruth4591 - nonsense - when activated, truth spews ridiculous, baseless matchup knowledge with no filter, or a care in the world. Trait runs out when he gets called out ("have you ever seen skarlet gameplay? THEN HOW ARE YOU SPEWING MATCHUP NUMBERS?"). Sadly, we cant tell when his trait has run out.
Maxintensity25 - hollywood - when activated, all his drinks come with a lime wedge. Thats it. Banes trait is so fucking broke he doesnt need anything else.
GGA pimpimjim - smoke and mirrors - when activated, his opponent is completely disoriented and actually believes all of PPJs characters are low tier garbage and he is just godlike. This trait has a hit confirm. If PPJ confirms that his opponent believes in smoke and mirrors, he can activate trait again for YoloSwagMuffin mode. All of ppjs combos do less damage but are swaggy as fuck. On cooldown, ppj dances around like a fucking idiot, making weird noises.