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Ideal character

Here we go! Building off of CSZ:

Cyber Sub-Zero's strings and normals are untouched.

-Golden Fleece.
-Hermes Dash.
-Up Missile.
-CSZ's Dive-Kick.
-CSZ's Ice Ball.

He's broken, but balanced compared to most other characters in this thread.

Now building off of Sektor:

All of Sektor's specials are intact.

Sektor possesses all of Liu Kang's strings and normals, with pokes being an exception:

-Noob Saibot's D+3.
-Freddy Krueger's D+4.
-Kratos' D+1.

Imagine that kind of Sektor.


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
Johnny Cage's 132
Baraka's U4
Sektor's D1
Scorpion's D3
Stryker's 114


Sub-Zero's ground freeze
Quan Chi's skeletal boost
Johnny Cage's fireballs
Kung Lao's Teleport 4
Mileena's leaping neckbite

Well at least you still have Cage's 1....

1 3 is pretty boss for baiting D3s though....and punishing with Scorpions D3 :cool:


Positive Poster!
Low hitbox black female ninja "Lotus"

Jade Glow
Nomad Dash
Raiden Teleport
Cage's Nutpunch
Rising Karma

Sektor's 1, d1
Skarlet 2
Skarlet f212 1+2
Jade's d3, d4
Jade's uppercut
Jade 4,f4 combo into specials including glow
Cage f3,3

Fatality1: Grabs the target's groin and rips it out, kicking the head off next.
Fatality2: Kisses the target. The target pukes, then pukes blood, then all flesh explodes off of the target leaving a bloodied skeleton.


Proud owner of the briefcase hitbox
Stryker's standing 4
CSZ's U4
Sonya's D4
Jax's 123
Liu Kang's B312


Kabal's iagb
Sub's ice clone
Cyrax's bombs
Kenshi's spirit charge
Shang's ground skulls


This one's for you
I got really bored tonight and thought up a whole move list. Tried to stick to no more than 6 specials which was really hard. Surprisingly it ended up looking a lot like Foxy's character but probably even more broken...this character would be retarded.

d1: Kitana
d2: Stryker
d3: Cyber Sub Zero
d4: Sub Zero
121: Cyrax
21f2: Cage
334: Cyrax
b1212: Cyrax
b23: Smoke
b312: Liu Kang
f21: Kitana
f33b3: Cage
f41+2: Kabal
Throw: Jax
Soul Steal: Shang Tsung
Nomad Dash: Kabal
Gas Blast: Kabal
Shoulder Charge: Kenshi
Close/Mid/Far Bombs: Cyrax
Teleport: Raiden
Xray: Kung Lao

This character would have...
-b3/b2 safe vortex
-Standing reset with f4
-Cyrax resets galore after a nomad dash
-Pressure can be safely cancelled into soul steal
-Great AA capability with 1, 12, d2, spirit charge, iagb, ex nomad dash, and Xray
-Ridiculous space control with iagb, spirit charge, bombs, teleport, nomad dash, and fast advancing normals
-Dumb block infinite with f33b3~ndc
-Best pokes in the game
-Command grab
-Flash parry

I don't think it's possible to come up with anything more broken than this :p