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General/Other ice puddle

Ok i tried this is training and it seems 3, f4 into ice puddle (if distance is short eg corner) works and ex puddle is guaranteed as far as the character does not leave the ground.
Any foward moving action is pretty much caught

I tried this in training mode with AI set to wake up and roll mode attack and it worked against sub when he did wake up slide and wake up clone.
Raidens ex teleport and air grab
Scorpions slide kick (no one uses it)
Kung lao's spins

EX catches roll backs.

btw you cant stand right next to the person
Can anyone please verify? I could be very wrong


come at me
It works but ONLY if u space it out correctly and opponent does any forward movement/special like u said. But, if opponent does quick get up/jump your fucked. I dont see this being used IF at all unfurtunately. But good find man.


I didn't even know sub ice puddle work with that as well. Do sub midscreen reset combo, it is way safer and worthy.