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I2 Costume Wishlist


The future of law enforcement.
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So we're already pretty sure what characters will and won't be making the final roster based on leaked lists that continue to prove reliable. However, due to the costume system, it's likely that we'll be getting many additional characters added as skins for actual characters. A good example of this is Mr. Freeze; I hear he's going to be in the game, just as a skin for Captain Cold.

So the purpose of this thread is to post your wishlist character skin, along with that character it would be applied to. For instance, I would love Black Manta in the game, but since he's an interactable, I know my best shot is as a skin for Aquaman. Let's see what you've got!


The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
Premium Supporter
My number one pick: Prometheus

He could be a skin for really anyone in the Batman realm (Batman, Robin, Deadshot, etc). He's basically an evil version of Batman whose parents were murdered by cops instead of criminals. He's kind of like Marvel's Taskmaster, in that he can copy other people's skills. He took on the entire JLA at once:

As a skin for Robin, he'd have his baton instead of a sword. As a skin for Batman, he'd use his Cosmic Key instead of the grapple line (as in, teleporting people to him instead of grappling them). As Deadshot, he'd make heavy use of his gauntlet guns.


The Aquatic Ace
In the last injustice, A lot of people wanted the Blackest Night lantern skins. I would like to see them make it in. Like Blue Lantern Flash, Yellow Lantern Scarecrow, or Red Lantern Mera. Still got hope for Mera making it in!


Philanthropist & Asshole
I really liked IGAU Harley's default look, specifically the hair and makeup. Hope it's back in some form.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Owman just sounds like a dick!

Yeah Owlman is awesome. He's pretty much the only member of the Syndicate with any brains. Ultraman is the "leader" but Owlman pretty much sees him as a means to an end, he's been lowkey smashing Superwoman on the side who is earth 3 Lois/WoWo, he's just always got something planned. Kinda like Batman, obviously since he's the evil duplicate.

Captain l2ed

White wolf
Robin- character swap with Tim drake red robin or nightwing
Batman- Batman beyond, azazeal, maybe armor batman from tdkr, or witch hunter batman.
Blue lantern flash
Green lantern- Ryan Reynolds outfit ;)
Just a few I'd be cool with.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
These are the Premiere skins I'd like to see:

Green Arrow - Arsenal / Merlyn
The Flash - Jay Garrick
Deadshot - Red Hood
Aquaman - Ocean Master
Gorilla Grodd - Ultra-Humanite
The Joker - Trickster
Doctor Fate - Phantom Stranger / Spectre
Superman - Superboy / Bizarro
Robin - Red Robin
Wonder Woman - Wonder Girl
Batman - Batman Beyond
Green Lantern - Guy Gardner / Kyle Rayner

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Dark Knight Rises Bane.
TDK Joker (because I don't see how Joker doesn't get in).
Bizarro Superman.

Those are my tops, anything else is bonus points.
I tend to spend a lot on alternate costumes when they offer looks that are close to the current or classic. My most wanted:

For everyone on the roster and everyone eventually added as DLC. I feel like I should be able to look like what I see in the comics.

Arkham Knight skins: For Batman, Catwoman, Joker, Harley, Red Hood (when he eventually makes it), Poison Ivy


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
If Batgirl gets in, I'd love to see a Cassandra Cain skin

But for the characters we have so far:

Bizzaro, Cyborg, john Henry Irons, for Superman

Ocean master and Justice League Unlimited (hook hand) for aquaman

Nightwing and league of assassins for Damian

Kyle Rayner for Gl

Terry McGinus for Batman

Linda Danvers and Cir-El for Supergirl

Birds of Prey for Black Canary

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I also want a Ben Affleck Batman skin. BvS wasn't the greatest movie, but Batman looked and sounded great. It always made sense to me for him to use a voice modifier.