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I suck against Mileena


any tips for going against mileena? if she spams D+4, I can only land a D+1 because cutter is doesn't hit low, I through a fan she teleports, after she combos me I try to rushdown and she rolls....

any help?


Come On Die Young
JK~fan her d4's. It runs the risk of her teleporting, but it's really your only option against it. Make sure you know how to punish teleport and roll too.

If, like you say, she is rolling after her combo when you try to start pressure, start recognizing that pattern. Block+punish.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Fighting skilled Mileena players can seriously be annoying as all hell! If they are zoning me out with sai, air sai's....I just dash, duck and creep in until I can time jumping over the sai's and either land an air fan (simply to throw them off, get them to block and make a move) or jump kick into air fan. Just as Revolver said, if they are spamming D4 it's really easy to time a JK into fan then you can do 2, fans, 2 cutter (depending on height). If you block a telport kick i tend to do a 2 into fan lift...but be mindful they can randomly throw out air sai's so that will throw you off.

In my experience with these Mileena drones, is it's all about BAITING. You gotta bait out a lot of random rolls...rolls are so easy to punish! I never block more than in the matchup with Mileena...ugh


There is already some helpful advice in the matchup threads, I think Konqrr posted some as well.
I love fighting Mileena as kitana now, i used to be so scared, but not any more lol.

If you're being zoned, do an EX teleport since it has armor, and it'll protect you from her teleport or sais.
If you're being D4, your poke can beat her d4 if you're close enough, if not, F+2 at the right distance.
When she teleports, you can D1 out of it, it won't hit you whether she ex it or not
If you block her ex tele, wait for her sai, then quickly d1, cutter

you can do a fan lift if you expect shes gonna tele, and it'll catch her,
You're best friend against mileena is D1, do not mash it, she can punish it with a roll if you do.
Bait her, be patient, and don't get pressured by her zoning, 5% chip damage from 5 consecutive sais, is better than eating a 25%+ combo :)
6-4 Mileena
Before I thought this was a 3.5-6.5, but Mileena is not scary at all as a Kitana Player. Patience is vital, bait out her roll, and punish with 4ground fan, 2 fan lift (you may 4 fan lift instead of 2, but I stay on the safe side), punish her teleport with 2, fan, 2 fan lift, her ex teleport +sai can be punished by D+1 cutter, now, NEVER do more than 2 D+1 in a row, her roll will punish you, instead, do 1, or 2, and bait her roll, and proceed to punish. RESPECT her teleport kick, never throw more than 1 air fan in a row, I probably wouldn't recommend jumping against mileena at all. D+1, ground fan as she starts up her U4.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
You can bait d4 by staying just out of range or blocking one then walking backwards. If she throws another one out, hit her with f2 into whatever you want. Note that you will be too far for f21 to connect but you can get a f2~ex fan to BnB, you can get f2~cutter. Whatever you do, don't jump at Mileena randomly because roll will hit you out of the air.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
You can also punish EX tp with d+1~ex fan into combo. It only does a little over 20% though. d+1~cutter is not enough to stop them from throwing out the fucking teleport~sais constantly. Match is a pain in the ass, one of the worst at the feeling that you can't do anything without getting blown up. She's allowed to be random and stupid because the punish is so weak.


Get staffed bro
I did a lot better in this match up as soon as I learnt not to jump in or pressure on wake up. 2~fan, 2~lift is my preference for blocked or ball and normal tele.

I thought blocked ex Tele and sai was advantage on block?

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I did a lot better in this match up as soon as I learnt not to jump in or pressure on wake up. 2~fan, 2~lift is my preference for blocked or ball and normal tele.

I thought blocked ex Tele and sai was advantage on block?

You gotta crouch block it. When you block EX TP go into crouch block, then let go of block, duck under the sais, then d+1~whatever.