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Match-Up Discussion - Johnny Cage I Need Serious Help With the Kotal Kahn Matchup.


EX Ovi should launch
Dont let him get away with f2, learn the block punish or just pressure him, but that blockstun is gone fast so dont sleep. Generally block low and stand up if you see a string that involves an overhead. D4 his projectile at risk because its slow and clips you from behind like jasons sometimes, but dont try jump it.
B1 series into swords gets beat by armour so you dont always have to take a 50/50, though i think he can make it safe or read you with his own armour. If he does anything into the unblockable in a blockstring you can just hit him on reaction or jump into some kind of punish.
Neutral game is kotal either fishing for EX sword launch, trying to find his spot to f2 to get in (which you need to punish) or waiting for a good opportunity to jump. Try to keep at a range where you are only in range of his f2 or ex sword, and if he moves forward you can D4 and he has to be pretty awake to f2 punish it. If you block the f2 then its nutpunches!