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I Love Angry English Folk

Umm. How can he hate his life, he has got millions, fame, fans (what do you mean shitty fans?), and can fuck any girl he wants.

I think he can stop touring and live fine. He can quit the industry if he wants.

I like some of his music, it's catchy, don't know why people hate him, but, I dislike him cus he tries to hard to fit a persona from the looks of it.

Why the fuck is he making songs with Drake and some whack ass rappers, they lost sight of what a lyric is a long time ago.


xbl-OBS trustinme
so i assume that the fat pie eating guy who thinks he's hard because he's seen "the football factory" and "rise of the foot soldier" is some sort of cameraman? i cant quite see why he's verbally abusing a child tbh.still funny though as bieber was coming forward you can imagine him whispering to his minders "hold me back,hold me back"


He recently turned up 2 hours late for a concert that was from between 8:30pm to 11pm over here.

Consider that the majority of his fans are kids and parents that dont want them staying up all night, I can see why people would be pissed off. Maybe this was a pissed off Father, who knows?

I would take Bieber over the paparazzi any day though. Bunch of fucking parasites.