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I know people are reacting poorly to change suggestions right now but..


I feel like the game should just have a walk speed increase. Like, at least double for a lot of characters. It's really stupid how the best way of moving around is dashing and jumping. Especially when the dashes are so fast. It feels like every character is Makoto. I feel like it would make the footsies in the game more dynamic and give every character more options against projectiles especially with how potent chip damage is.
This isn't too crazy of a suggestion. There are times when the action really seems to slow down when both players are walking.
I like the idea, but it might set some characters over the top. how would we decide which characters get the buff if we couldn't decide what 3 topping of pizza to settle on?


Backdash seem fine, forward dashes are pretty slow and put you at a disadvantage. I wish forward dashes were more like MK or even Marvel considering you have command dashes.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.

I like the idea of coming in with offense and committing to your approach more than mindless safe dash blocking or dash canceling tactics. Means you gotta read people better and you can't just rocket your ass on in with wave dashes or safe creep your way in with dash blocking. Game is fine and less than two weeks old. Just learn how to move in this game. If walk speeds or dash changes happened then folks would end up ass to wall in the corner all the time just like in other fighters. In Injustice so far it seems that its harder to get pinned down thanks to the way dashes, walking, and projectiles are done and I love it.

Its a great game and it rewards folks who read their opponent instead of those who flow chart their approach to dash reliance like in other games. Earn your position...its not that big of a deal that you gotta do this.


Get over here!
I don't think its a bad idea to increase the walking speed. Maybe a little unnecessary. However, the walking is fairly slow. Maybe buff some of the characters. I don't really think jumping should be a primary means of movement. Double might be a little extreme. I guess I am indifferent. I will not complain if they change it, it probably needs a minor buff.


Dashes isn't really a problem.. I agree that because dashes cannot be canceled it takes away from the footsie alittle but its all about choosing your spots now. Besides I think footsies pans out differently in this game.. Doesn't really involve normals much.

I can agree with the walkspeed buff..but no way should it be doubled.


My wife mains Sheik and I main Ganondorf. I got no problems with it. I was honestly making a Marvel reference on that one.
Man I miss Dorfing. Dem grabs. Cmooooooon E3 Smash announcement :D

lol, they have tech in marvel called wavedashing?

Anyway I was just teasing.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
lol, they have tech in marvel called wavedashing?

But I was just teasing.
Yes. Hell you can wave dash backwards in that game. S'cool though. Brought back good memories of Dorfing, but some nightmarish memories of running triple threats with her Samus and her Brother's Link. Both were tourney tier brutes. Too Bad Samus got the mobility nerf.

Anyhow back on topic this game doesn't need changed nor should we be making a bunch of threads talking about "how I wish it played" when we haven't even spent long enough on Injustice to believably claim we know how it should be played yet. Learn your mobility tools and use them people. This game is fine.