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I have an idea...


Today while in practice mode trying to find some "new ways" of getting good damage or different or all together new techs... I randomly thought back to when clans were a big thing (online) and I then had the idea of a specialized group of people that would join together, all pick the same character, play that character and that character only in hopes of developing new tech or strats. This "team" would then bring forward anything found, test it out and bring it to the attention of the forums and see if it actually passes as "new tech" or just all together an "improved" strategy.


EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
There are threads like this on SRK where a bunch of people will get online and play with their character. Kind of like a big online meetup.


Kenshi Moderator
Sure ... :) if anyone interested , hit me up

i usually have a setting once a week with Check. we show each other stuff (bugs, techs, combos, traps...etc). so it's very doable and fun for me.

also this might be cool and relaxing for me because REV X will be my last tournament ...by means i am quiting for school purpose. i wanna graduate to start my game design masters degree and concept arts...so 6 subjects this semester and 6 straight A's for the scholarship haha.

i will step from tournament, and focus on videos and what not. ...so ya....this is a sweet idea for me actually .