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I have a serious question here.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I have had people getting pissed at me for spamming with Mileena and Kitana against rushdowns like Jax and JC. If I let them in close... I am dead within 5 seconds. With Mileena I'll do things like bait with sais and telekick and run away or ball roll close and throw or 4,2. With Kitana, I like to get a bit in peoples face but against rushdowns, I do lots of iaf and square waves and if they get close I use keep away moves. I have had people getting really agro and telling me to stop it time and time again saying I am cheating or just a spammer. I am not really that good at the game so I don't really know what to do. I had one guy almost shouting at me for using lots fireballs with Sindel and when they got close in to me I did anything possible to get them away from me - aren't fireballs one of Sindel's few strengths? I realise these tactics are pretty low level but sometimes it works. If you are a good player... shouldn't you be able to kick my arse in spite of this? Am I cheating or am I just using the tools I have? Like the first poster, I don't really see the difference.


I have had people getting pissed at me for spamming with Mileena and Kitana against rushdowns like Jax and JC. If I let them in close... I am dead within 5 seconds. With Mileena I'll do things like bait with sais and telekick and run away or ball roll close and throw or 4,2. With Kitana, I like to get a bit in peoples face but against rushdowns, I do lots of iaf and square waves and if they get close I use keep away moves. I have had people getting really agro and telling me to stop it time and time again saying I am cheating or just a spammer. I am not really that good at the game so I don't really know what to do. I had one guy almost shouting at me for using lots fireballs with Sindel and when they got close in to me I did anything possible to get them away from me - aren't fireballs one of Sindel's few strengths? I realise these tactics are pretty low level but sometimes it works. If you are a good player... shouldn't you be able to kick my arse in spite of this? Am I cheating or am I just using the tools I have? Like the first poster, I don't really see the difference.
Its not cheating, its winning. But let the losing player call it what he wants, its no skin off your bones.
It all depends on what you do. If your just chucking shit out for no reason, it's spamming. If you have some sort of strategy then it's zoning.

People keep saying they are the same but really that's not totally true. If you don't know what your doing then you aren't zoning.

Though I notice people do call zoning "spamming" because they don't understand what zoning is but that doesn't make it mean "spamming". We don't admit it but "spamming" is considered a bad thing in gaming.

You see fireballs and say "oh that's cheap must be spam". I hate how the gaming community does that because it takes away from the people who really do zone and have great tactics. It's the same as people who say "you mash" when you don't mash, even if you are a good player you'll never get the credit because of how salty people get.

It's more than winning and losing. Anyone can pick up a controller and smash every single button constantly and maybe get a win. It doesn't make a good player if you don't know what your doing and are winning.