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i find random difficult


so ive been pushing myself to go random with everyone i play lately and im getting beat by ppl that have no business even going up against me. i know evry move wth evry character but it seems like its throwing me off. after i get owned 3 or 4 times i run to sub or scorpion and i dominate 9 times outta 10. but then they quit lol. my question is do i stick to just the 3 ninjas or continue to random? maybe i just need some time away from this game. any advice??


Forum General Emeritus
You play however you want to play. There's no rule that says you have to random select, but there are some benefits to randoming. When you random, you get to use all characters and you get an idea of what moves work best against certain characters. It also doesn't get you labeled as a counterpicker or someone who picks the same character over and over again.

Personally, I random all the time unless I run into a Liu or Mileena spammer. In those situations, I return fire 0:)


I used to to random on every match, but I find that there are characters that I like but don't get very often (I hardly ever got Raiden using random select for ex.) so I usually just pick whoever I feel like playing. I do random against most people on this site.


Playing random will help you to master the game, not just 3 characters.

In the end it's up to you


You guys know I rarely random anymore. I just play with every character once. I don't mind having any of the characters other than jax. What bothers me is when I get a character a bunch of times in a row. Pick anyone you want against me. I even told that to scorpangel. It's lui all day now. lol dvd fucks me up either way.

I only random if the other person randoms first. Sometimes I still don't, i just do my roster thing
frznsldr said:
that wasnt very nice foozer
He didn't put it very well, but I agree with his point. You have to random to get decent or better with every character and make yourself a complete player. A lot of us won't stick around with someone who keep picking the same two or three characters over and over and over again. You have a pretty solid Scorpion, but you're probably not going to ever hang in there with guys like dvdcsn, Wario, Kensi, Yung, Aria, etc. unless you challenge yourself with random.

That being said, if you have more fun just working with the male ninjas, the game is mostly about having fun so go with it. I would actually encourage you to stick with your mains when working against the asshole spammers you'll run into in the lobby. When playing people on this forum or your friend list, though, challenge yourself. You'll come to appreciate it in a few months.
frznsldr said:
that wasnt very nice foozer
I know it wasn't nice, but it's the truth. One thing that I have learned... when I first started playing this game, I wouldn't like to play against anyone that was better than me because I liked winning and hated losing. But I have realized a long time ago that in order to get good, you have to play people who are better than you, plain and simple. When I play in the lobby, I will often quit on people after 1 match because they are no challenge or don't teach me anything. You know those people that streak you and leave you feeling dumb? Those are the people you need to seek out.


Forum General Emeritus
david_GEM said:
You guys know I rarely random anymore. I just play with every character once. I don't mind having any of the characters other than jax. What bothers me is when I get a character a bunch of times in a row. Pick anyone you want against me. I even told that to scorpangel. It's lui all day now. lol dvd fucks me up either way.

I only random if the other person randoms first. Sometimes I still don't, i just do my roster thing
I can't believe you don't like Jax of all characters. He's one of the easiest to use and best all around characters. If anything, I'd say Baraka is the most horrible.


yeah man stick it out... i play random all the time now, i never used to random. but i do feel i'm a better player now.. i just think random is funner too, i even random when i'm playing the best of the best and sometimes i hold my own and sometimes i get streaked bad.. ectonaut gave me a 24 streak once, my longest ever, i just kept battling... me and rdz21 just had about 40 fun ass games today.. he won most of them.. at one point he had 13 in a row and i bounced back and got 5 in a row (that was big for me) i could've quit then i would have looked really stupid ... but all the matches win or lose were close, intense, and fun ass matches and to me that it whats important.... and thats why i love playing guys like aria delano, ectonaut,and wario cause even if they put a big streak on me i make it as hard for them as i can and thats why they don't quit after puttin up streaks because they no i'm that battling hard..


hey its btbb99 i play u on the reg bro. sadly i think im ging to try and put down the controller 4 about a week and come back fresh..


I use random when I play my friends on psn (if they want to, i'll ask them.) Or i'll pick different people manually. In the lobby I pick whoever the fuck I want.


my game is just not fetting any bttr imo. i want to learn all the anti air stuff and close combat skills. i guess its gonna come wth time. hell i just bought this game 4 months ago.


dciguy01 said:
I can't believe you don't like Jax of all characters. He's one of the easiest to use and best all around characters. If anything, I'd say Baraka is the most horrible.
Jax is too stiff for me. I don't like holding buttons, and im not an anti air person. He just doesn't mix well with me


i have off/on days with jax. sometimes everything i do with him just wrecks people and I can do no wrong. then theres the days I can't seem to do a damn thing right with him and I just get completely destroyed. It's always one or the other though. It's never win some lose some. :(
Dont stop randoming ever frznsldr until you get to the level you want to be. Take it from me, you'll only improve with the non-ninja players by practicing random matches again and again and again..


Forum General Emeritus
john2kx said:
I'm probably going to stop randoming pretty soon, because I'm tired of Mileena and Baraka.
If you hate Mileena, just sai spam with her all day long. Baraka, well, not much I can tell you there.


john2kx said:
I'm probably going to stop randoming pretty soon, because I'm tired of Mileena and Baraka.
dude, do what I've been doing for the past ever!!!! roster dammit. make them ur first two to get them out of the way


dciguy01 said:
If you hate Mileena, just sai spam with her all day long. Baraka, well, not much I can tell you there.
I can get by with them fine.. actually, I think my Baraka is quite difficult to beat..
I just really hate using them. I think they're boring characters.