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I am sorry 16 Bit.

From personal experience, i've never thought of 16-Bit as the kind of player that tries to duck competition (this is based off of seeing him at Devastation/Final Round/MLG/Evo).

Oftentimes at tournaments there are only a select few hotel rooms that actually happen to have 1-2 setups, etc. Generally the player-base will try to gravitate towards these rooms and everyone wants to play, but everyone has to wait their turn.

At the last Evo, I had 2 setups in my room and invited people over (Played games with Reo, CD, Dizzy, 16-Bit, Detroit, B-Wizz, etc.). When other players caught wind of the fact that I had setups in my room, there was an instance where I had a knock at my door to be greeted by like 20+ people standing in the hallway that wanted to come in and play at midnight when I had an 8AM pool the next day.

I declined to let anyone in, and i'm sure most of those people in the hallway thought I was an ass for turning them away.

The reason I bring this up is because sometimes it is not always convenient for (X) player to play everyone. I am sure 16-Bit has people coming up to him all the time wanting to play matches and being disappointed that it never happened.

I heard a story recently where some dude was all excited to see Tom Brady at a tournament, approached him at a time where Tom was busy and didn't greet him properly. Now that person's opinion of Tom has been soured, and the dude doesn't like him anymore.

I think people in this community tend to try to make things too personal. Just try to have fun with the game and the people around you.

Also, 16-Bit does downplay how good Kitana is.


Dojo Trainee
I'm not really involved with this thread I just wanted to point out a part of morty's post.

about people taking things too personal.

you're right you shouldn't get upset over not being able to play people you wanted to play. And it's definitely never their fault.

shit happens, and people trying to get games with people who get asked alot should understand this.

but also look at it from the newbie side.
I play SSBM one of my first tournaments. The one I went to had a huge pro at it. Dashizwiz. he was so fun to watch, and I knew i'd get destroyed but I wanted a game.

I asked him, he looked around and saw no open set ups. told me "well it looks like everythings taken"
I was like "ah, well.. maybe another time" he apparently knew I drove 7 hours to attend.

Asked some random guys playing if we could steal their t.v. for a set.
That moment made me really respect tournaments/people at them. That instead of ignoring some nobody like me, getting out of wasting time fighting a newbie. He took the effort to ask people to get off a T.V. for me.

And if it's ANYONE's first tournament. You really have to make them feel welcome/have fun.

The first experience is everything for a person who finally mans up and goes to a tournament for their first time.

In some people's eyes, for the young people going to their first tourney. sometimes you're like a celebrity to them. And playing a game with you, means alot.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I gr8ded your essay. I felt there was a lack of a thesis, the introduction did not serve to engage the reader, there were a few grammatical errors, you did not use a sufficient amount of transitions between paragraphs, and your conclusion was quite wordy.

I'm afraid this essay wasn't gr8 enough to earn you above a C.


TYM White Knight
I gr8ded your essay. I felt there was a lack of a thesis, the introduction did not serve to engage the reader, there were a few grammatical errors, you did not use a sufficient amount of transitions between paragraphs, and your conclusion was quite wordy.

I'm afraid this essay wasn't gr8 enough to earn you above a C.
Unfortunately, when writing privately I take my teacher pants off. I write without pants.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
I've been reading the forums the past week or so. Don't really post much since I've been out of the loop and I'm probably not very good anymore lol.

The 5 pages though... it reminds me of a certain somebody... a guy who used to love writing those essays in his arguments... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
We do not speak his name.
Dear god. HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED! reminds me of a certain song.


My blades will find your heart
I'm not really involved with this thread I just wanted to point out a part of morty's post.

about people taking things too personal.

you're right you shouldn't get upset over not being able to play people you wanted to play. And it's definitely never their fault.

shit happens, and people trying to get games with people who get asked alot should understand this.

but also look at it from the newbie side.
I play SSBM one of my first tournaments. The one I went to had a huge pro at it. Dashizwiz. he was so fun to watch, and I knew i'd get destroyed but I wanted a game.

I asked him, he looked around and saw no open set ups. told me "well it looks like everythings taken"
I was like "ah, well.. maybe another time" he apparently knew I drove 7 hours to attend.

Asked some random guys playing if we could steal their t.v. for a set.
That moment made me really respect tournaments/people at them. That instead of ignoring some nobody like me, getting out of wasting time fighting a newbie. He took the effort to ask people to get off a T.V. for me.

And if it's ANYONE's first tournament. You really have to make them feel welcome/have fun.

The first experience is everything for a person who finally mans up and goes to a tournament for their first time.

In some people's eyes, for the young people going to their first tourney. sometimes you're like a celebrity to them. And playing a game with you, means alot.
This is true. Even if Tom was busy, if someone doesnt greet you properly then your first impression wont be good(not saying its tom's fault, but that is how it goes)

This community tends to complain that people come out to tourneys, but they dont realize some of these blowups and drama turn them off. It can be really intimidating going to a tournament where you know no one and have never experienced competition before. In the Dallas scene we are not the most active scene ever, but we are good to newcomers. We usually welcome them to the tournament, play casuals with them if they want, ask them where they live and tell them about casuals we have. Making newcomers feel welcome is the only way to increase the turnouts at these tournaments, because if you go to one and have a horrible time, chances are you wont be going offline again.


I miss having youknowwho around, at least he would make sure to let everyone know why they're a horrible person and how to correct said flaws. We need someone as perfect as him back to put us back in our place,


Fuck you; fight me.
I miss having youknowwho around, at least he would make sure to let everyone know why they're a horrible person and how to correct said flaws. We need someone as perfect as him back to put us back in our place,
He might still be active in the Soul Calibur V scene... someone should check www.8wayrun.com