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General/Other - Raiden I am so lost

So I am pretty new to Mortal Kombat and am trying to get into the competitive side of the game. I have decided that I want to make Raiden my main. There are so many combos for him I am not sure which ones to use. Do high level players actually learns all of these combinations or just a few they like? Also what strategy is generally used when playing raiden? Is there any comprehensive guides on him explaining everything? I'm new and there is so many different posts just about him I'm starting to feel overwhelmed I just don't know where to start.


Regarding combos you should look for consistency. Don't go for flashy combos that you know youre going to drop. Look for the ones that you can do like 90% of the time without you thinking about it. Work on your muscle memory first. Once you got the specials and strings in your head you can move onto bigger combos

One more thing. Don't focus too much on combos. Utilize his good normals,strings, and specials.

His f1 is really effin good. 7f normal that can lead to combos or a 50/50
b3 is his low
b2 is his overhead but it's very punishable on block

I suggest you start reading raiden's general discussion from the beginning all the way to the end, then look at the combos thread, then look at the vortex thread
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