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Guide "How to Put a Smile on That Face!"; A Joker Guide


wow this is the best video guide ive seen in a long time and makes joker look really good.

There's no doubt bout it Joker is bottom 3, but he's not Kano by any means...

I look forward to the worst character in MK10 being this good, if not better


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
wow this is the best video guide ive seen in a long time and makes joker look really good.

There's no doubt bout it Joker is bottom 3, but he's not Kano by any means...

I look forward to the worst character in MK10 being this good, if not better
I honestly don't think he's bottom 3, but I'm not the right pair of hands to prove that either. Hoping to inspire someone better than me to show people what he's capable of.


I write too much.
Awesome guide Stev0. This was well worth the wait.
There's a lot of stuff in here that I either didn't know or forgot about as well; time to learn some more stuff!

Also I love that our community is so active that you know we're going to find new info for this guide within the next week :p
This is great stuff!... BTW this is my first post on TYM but I've been on here for awhile but never said anything. Just a brief summary about me, I was originally a CoD player and then moved on to other stuff but nothing serious until injustice. I was a flash main at first but then eventually I got interested in the joker. But yea u guys have helped my game out a lot, looking forward to leveling up some more... Sorry for the long post too lol
Dracula!! You know I've been meaning to get that ft5 with you. What time are you usually on? (eastern time zone)
Imma be busy most of the day but I should be on tonight like 8, 9ish. U live on the east coast? Cause I'm in Georgia
Ah shoot. Sorry, I have some stuff to take care of around that time :( But hey, If you're an early waker like me we can do some matches. I play from 7 - 8:30 AM tommorrow :) Eastern time zone. New York


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
I appreciate this so hard, dude.
Well organized, well presented, lot of new stuff to me, too.
Usefulness is S+ tier. I'm subscribed.
Keep playing him at The Break, plz..
Gratitude to you.


I honestly don't think he's bottom 3, but I'm not the right pair of hands to prove that either. Hoping to inspire someone better than me to show people what he's capable of.
To be fair to you, you've done a pretty good job of making him look like a total boss... But if he's not bottom 3, who is? the rest if the roster is just too good. I think if you put characters like Shazam and Joker in Mk9 they'd be top tier.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
To be fair to you, you've done a pretty good job of making him look like a total boss... But if he's not bottom 3, who is? the rest if the roster is just too good. I think if you put characters like Shazam and Joker in Mk9 they'd be top tier.
I don't think you can really narrow it down to 3 in this game. At least, not yet. I'm an advocate of this game being broken down to high, mid, and low (and maybe a "top" for a few characters). Right now, I consider Joker to be somewhere in the nebulous of mid or low, but I don't think we can say for sure where exactly. I need to grind out a bunch more matchups before I can say for sure.


I write too much.
To be fair to you, you've done a pretty good job of making him look like a total boss... But if he's not bottom 3, who is? the rest if the roster is just too good. I think if you put characters like Shazam and Joker in Mk9 they'd be top tier.
Well, Scorpion and Cyborg take bottom two for sure. Personally I'd put Grundy or Ares after that. Then again, both of those characters got some really nasty tech discovered recently, so what do I know?