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Question How much hard work have you had to put in?


Princess Diana
I got this game late July but didn't start playing seriously as of August.

I never even knew this game was out, but my older cousin had told me about it. The first thing I did (after I watched the entire story mode) was watch tournaments and I stumbled upon CD Sr. and his Kitana vs CD Jr.'s Jax instantly I fell in love with the moves and combos and I knew this was the game for me and Kitana would be my main.

Finally I got a copy and practiced Kitana's BnB combo's til they became second nature left and right on the screen. I wanted to see if I could pull them off during ladder mode and it just got easier and easier. Took my ass online and noticed I could beat the guys in a few ranked matches and the beginners room. Then I started running into some really good players and noticed they would literally body me. I knew then it was time to do some research, like every fighting game there are tips, hints, and secrets. I watched more tourney play, saw Tom Brady's guide with Gootecks, and finally here I am on TYM learning more and more every day.

I would like to say I'm a pretty decent player, but I want to be able to hold my own against my brothers and sisters. So I'm trying to level up as best I can and it's working I've learned a lot in these past 5 months of playing. I hope to someday be able to travel to tourneys and get a brotherhood going with some of the SoFlo guys as well.