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How Mortal Kombat 11's Custom Variations Will Work In Competitive Play


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
I guess it’s official?


Not the solution I was hoping for, personally. I was hesitant at first, but after playing the beta, I felt the custom variation idea was such an awesome addition. It wasn’t abkit finding overpowered moves, it was about finding moves that I liked and fit my play style. I could try out a move, and if I didn’t like it, switch it out to something else. I ended up with my favorite versions of each character. Not just the OP moves (some of which I didn’t even like, such as Scorpion’s stance and Baraka’s grab).

So I guess I’ll probably just stick to casual matches, because I really like the custom variations.

I didn’t care for the preset variations in the beta - especially ones that only filled 2 slots instead of all 3 (wtf??). They usually had at least one move I didn’t want.


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
I don't get it. It's such a bummer. I can literally find a way for every con for custom variations. I'm dissapointed.
Right? It’s Injustice 2 all over again. No one will use the cool new moves. Huge disappointment.

They really should’ve just done a character select screen UI that lets you quickly choose your moves for tournament play.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
It was inevitable if they couldn't manage to allow players to make variations on the character select screen.

Still, what a waste of time and resources for what is essentially a party mode. Just give me one complete character or three "real" variations instead of this.


'ello baby, did you miss me?

The developer has confirmed each character will have at least two pre-built variations using the same three-slot system as custom variations, though the number of variations per character could differ.
Some characters will only have TWO variations for competitive play?

We've seen how bad three variations are from the beta and kombat kasts, they leave about 10 moves on the cutting room floor. That's already fucking awful. But TWO?


Mr. Righteous
WOW! Thats fucking bullshit. So are they gonna add fill all 3 slots in those variations? Cuz like i mentioned before, Skarlet had a variation with only had 2 moves filled with 1 open for you to place. I think this idea is lazy as fuck to cater to those who were outraged for the sake of being outraged.

Congrats to the lame bums who doin't even fucking compete.

BUT i have faith this can possibly change in the future.


All too easy...
If this stays I will certainly be travelling less for tournaments. I want to be able to express myself when I played by fine tuning my character to match my playstyle but if I am going to be forced to use the same set up as everyone else then forget it. Should I even watch the Noob kast this week if I cant use the moves? It will be MKX all over again where only 1 variation is used per character and the other 2 are inferior. Great last minute hype killer.


I know the beta's over but try to picture how it would be if you could only use those preset variations. It is a beta after all so it should be somewhat representative of the final game.

For me the beta would be largely inferior without kustom variations. Kustom variations not only made Scorpion better, it made him more fun to play and it did not throw off the balance of the game. Like, the beta is worse with those presets only. They almost seemed intentionally bad to encourage you to go kustom.

No it wasn’t. Most of the people complaining about will not travel anyways.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
I'm heart broken. I'm not kidding. Completely fucking devastated.

Because I like to use command grabs, I'll be stuck using ONE variation with a character with other moves tacked on that I can't change?! WHAT?! This variation system is a complete throw away to so many people now.

I HATED having Spine Burst with Baraka's command grab in the beta because I wanted ChopChop to complement it.
Is Command Grab/Spine Burst going to be standard?!
Well I guess I'm not playing Baraka now even as a secondary....

Now to just wait for what SINGLE variation they will have for Kano's command grab build.... I seriously can't describe how sad I am right now. I had so many ideas.


Mournful Master
So when playing ranked, we don’t get to use the custom variations?! What’s the point then, why did they advertise the custom variations as such a huge part of the game if you can’t use it where it would matter most? What’s the point of creating my own variation instead of using the preset ones? This is kinda disappointing.

I was at least hoping we could use the custom variations in ranked! I get not having them in a tournament setting, but having them in ranked doesn’t seem so bad.