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Question How Do You Train?


PSN: JerzeyReign
Wow! Thank you all for all of this useful information! This will really help me train correctly. I'll be playing in my first offline tournament today and along with that experience, this information (with the other TYM content) I'm sure I'll start improving.

Thank you all for the responses and not flaming the hell outta me. I'm really appreciative.


PSN: JerzeyReign
I read through this thread like I'm seeing it for the first time almost every day. This and the stickied threads at the top of this forum. For any other new guys, read this stuff and apply it.

I used to be really addicted to my online ranked record as I thought that measured my skill. Got to 3K and thought I was the man since I just started playing the game. Started ignoring that as well as reading TYM and I'm slowly improving. I'm less free in my games now. I don't care about winning as much now and its helping me focus.

A lot of good info in here but pay attention to @Protagonist_1 's post. Movement and staying within yourself with these punishment combos is key. I was trying to play too pretty, now I do what works. Rarely do the pros do all of those extravagant combos listed so even watching tournaments and their streams is beneficial.

I just hope this thread and the others help you guys as much as they've helped me. One day when I become the greatest piercing Mileena in the world I'll look back at this thread and know where it started haha.