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How do you finish your matches?


What I do is scream "Fuck that!"

Then I die, and then I get on the forums to post biased reasons why whatever character beat me is imbalanced because I don't want to admit that I suck.

No really, that's pretty much what I do.
You are fucking awesome :congrats:


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
Fatalities.. but if not...

Sub-zero - say "im rick james bitch" then 1 open slap
Shang Tsung - say "your soul is mine" then Soul Steal
Mileena - b2
Kung Lao - spin


Probably Drunk
Fastest poke or special if its a gg.

Fatality if its againts someone being a prick, but i only really remember shangs clown fatality so its not often.


Last Bastion of Arcades
Depends, usually fatality, but when I play against serious players I've started doing close bomb uppercut with cybersub, standing 4 gun cancel with Stryker and dagger/dagger cancel with Skarlet.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
I do a fatality, jump out of my chair and get hella hype.

That or a b+2. Uppercut. EX Fan toss or EX pretty kicks. Lately I've been doing a Square Boost right in their face.
Depends on my character, with subzero I'll always do a spine rip. That damn fatality is epic. I'll do quan chi's beatdown and barakas take a spin. Other than that I'll prolly just do a fast advancing special.
I do a fatality, jump out of my chair and get hella hype.

That or a b+2. Uppercut. EX Fan toss or EX pretty kicks. Lately I've been doing a Square Boost right in their face.
Lately ive taken to seeing how far I can make a combo go before the game shifts into the victory pose. Ive only tried this a few times now, but with Kitana ive managed to get a F21 launch and a B2 + fantoss.


Come On Die Young
I've been maining Kitana for 2 months and I don't even know her fatality inputs. I just end it in the quickest way possible, sometimes do d1, sweep, or fan purposely if they got caught with many of them in the match. I know people quit on fatalities to speed things up, but I still get rage quitted on all the time just for a quick poke.
Teabagging in MK is really dumb to me. I mean the repetitive motion of pressing down to a standing staggering opponent doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's not like some of the old school vs. games where you can beat them, press start and continue to beat them when they are down. In FPS games, when you teabag someone after a frag at least it looks like it. In MK, it's just plain ridiculous and a waste of time.


Let's not pretend there's an etiquette about finishing in a game that all about it. Soon xrays, enhancements, and breakers will be douchey. No, no, no.
Oh stop. You can say the same thing about baseball or footboot. There's an etiquette in those games, its not far fetched to say there is in MK either. Nobody is going to start seriously saying xrays, ex moves or breakers are douchey.


The anticipation is killing me
If Im annoyed I will do a fatality but usually I finish with either a throw of Mileena standing 1 (slap to the face lol)