Since I started playing I met many players who were just spamming d1 or d3 on block and on hit all the time, once they get close to me. It is really annoying and sometimes I feel there is little you can reliably do in an online setting. Against some characters it’s no big deal, against others it becomes a really tough thing to overcome for me.
I know how „poke wars“ are supposed to work in theory: I block a poke and then I get to counterpoke, I can go for a string, I can throw, I can jump. I get that. But online (maybe not in a really good connection) I feel someone who is mashing pokes out can interrupt most anything, even my counterpoke unless I start mashing too.
I had a huge problem against a quite „unskilled“ Lao Player today. He was doing less than optimal combos, going for unsafe shit, jumping a lot and of course mashing pokes like his life depended on it, especially abusing Lao‘s d3. I was playing Sub and none of my pokes could interrupt a 2nd d3 after the first blocked one, nothing seemed quick enough and my d1 did not connect from the same range he could do his d3.
This was a huge problem, because it basically allowed him to mix me up with only his pokes. Sometimes he went for d3 on block once and then jumped, sometimes he did two in a row, usually followed by d4, sometimes he went for a throw after one or two d3s. When he hit me with hit he was at a frame advantage of course and I could simply wait for him to jump 3, that’s what he did mostly. I anti aired him a lot actually, but since I could not really tell when he would stop mashing and go for something else, timing the anti air got really tough :/ It meant I got mixed even further by his constant and nonsensical jumping, I just was never sure when he was going to stop mashing and go for a jump in or throw again.
I really tried to focus on simply letting him basically hang himself, playing it slow, punish him when he did something unsafe, and generally just playing neutral. I won a lot of games but I lost a lot of games too, because I simply could not find a way to stop him from mashing and doing unpredictable stuff.
What do you guys do in such situations? Is my counterpoke timing really that bad or does it happen to others too? Probably it was a MU thing in this case too, but I experienced similar situations a couple of times online and was wondering what to do about it. Allowing someone to just mash pokes and simply staying patient cannot be the answer, I mean I was basically allowing him to play the game in a way that should not work in theory.
Thanks for reading and I hope someone can give me good advice
I know how „poke wars“ are supposed to work in theory: I block a poke and then I get to counterpoke, I can go for a string, I can throw, I can jump. I get that. But online (maybe not in a really good connection) I feel someone who is mashing pokes out can interrupt most anything, even my counterpoke unless I start mashing too.
I had a huge problem against a quite „unskilled“ Lao Player today. He was doing less than optimal combos, going for unsafe shit, jumping a lot and of course mashing pokes like his life depended on it, especially abusing Lao‘s d3. I was playing Sub and none of my pokes could interrupt a 2nd d3 after the first blocked one, nothing seemed quick enough and my d1 did not connect from the same range he could do his d3.
This was a huge problem, because it basically allowed him to mix me up with only his pokes. Sometimes he went for d3 on block once and then jumped, sometimes he did two in a row, usually followed by d4, sometimes he went for a throw after one or two d3s. When he hit me with hit he was at a frame advantage of course and I could simply wait for him to jump 3, that’s what he did mostly. I anti aired him a lot actually, but since I could not really tell when he would stop mashing and go for something else, timing the anti air got really tough :/ It meant I got mixed even further by his constant and nonsensical jumping, I just was never sure when he was going to stop mashing and go for a jump in or throw again.
I really tried to focus on simply letting him basically hang himself, playing it slow, punish him when he did something unsafe, and generally just playing neutral. I won a lot of games but I lost a lot of games too, because I simply could not find a way to stop him from mashing and doing unpredictable stuff.
What do you guys do in such situations? Is my counterpoke timing really that bad or does it happen to others too? Probably it was a MU thing in this case too, but I experienced similar situations a couple of times online and was wondering what to do about it. Allowing someone to just mash pokes and simply staying patient cannot be the answer, I mean I was basically allowing him to play the game in a way that should not work in theory.
Thanks for reading and I hope someone can give me good advice