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How do u choose human smoke in arcade??

Sorry for being such a newb guys....

I wanted to try out the human smoke juggles that

Shock listed so i tried getting Human smoke.

But i didn't really understand ther button combinations required to get

Human Smoke..

Can anyone please tell me how to get Human Smoke?

Before the round starts hold:
Back, HP, HK, BLOCK, and RUN

for 360 it's like this:
Back, X, Y, Left trigger or bumper, and right trigger or bumper
If you're using a keyboard, there is a good chance the keys are being locked.

With some emulators, you can assign multiple keys to one button, that way you can make a "human smoke Key" that is assigned to HP, HK, BLOCK, and RUN, and you just hold that key, and away, and you will get smoke.
so that's how im supposed to do it....
once again, thank you dave101
(p.s.- would it be alright if i can learn how to assign multiple buttons in one for MAME???)


Westbury Nathan's 4 Life
If you want, you can even start playing as Robo Smoke, and then switch to Human Smoke in the second or third round. So if you mess it up on the first round, you still have a chance to get him.
in the game press "tab" button to go to the options, then go to "input this game", then configure your controls (up,right,left,down, burtton1 etc....) go to where you put HP, HK,BL, RN (Buttons: 8,7,9,6) press enter over every button and press down twice quickly to restart the convifg (default) on that button( example, if you press enter over the button 6, and you press down twice that button will back to default, in the "X" button)
like this Screenshot

then press enter to asign a key to this button ( the key where you want to put that button) in my case i put this configuration:

Buton1: 8 (HP)
Button2: 7 (BL)
Button3: 9 (HK)
Button6: 4 (RN)

Now to Play as Human Smoke in Mame, press enter over button 1: then press down twice to default as you can see HERE, press again enter, asign the key you want ( in this case number 8 ) now prees again enter over the button 1 and then prees "M" this will make that the button 1 will be in the number 8, and the "M" (from the keyboard), go to the button 2, (yes, do the same) press enter, then down twice, press enter again asign the key ( in my case in the number 7) press enter again and put it in the "M" ( from the keyboard), go to the button 3 yes, press enter, then down twice, asign the key ( in my case number 9) then press enter again, and put it in "M" ( from the keyboard), go to the button 6 press enter, then down twice, aisng the key ( in my case in the number 4) then put in in the "M" ( from keyboard), and that´s all, when you go to the choose your fighter screen, choose robot moke, then prees back+M, and... tere is.. Human Smoke, sorry for the soo long explanation, but i dunno how to say this in english xD...

The Screenshots:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click here
Click Here
Have Fun!