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Question How do I further myself as a player...


I'm pretty much at the same place you are gunterxc - I guess I'm sort of a 'meh!' player who knows a couple of strategies but has no plan B when things aren't working. To make matters worse - I only play quan, I suck at footsies and I don't play patiently when I'm supposed to! I too want to learn a couple more characters(maybe Kitana and Kenshi) and I feel that by playing people like you, it'll help improve the both of us through a process of character evolution.

TYM and its memebers are great help if you want to level up tho - people like Shujinkydink and Brainstorms were more than glad to offer advice whenever I asked questions - so don't be afraid to sound like a noob and just ask the questions.


XBL - ZedZeus