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How did you chose your main?

Curious how people chose mains in a game like this. Is it your favorite DC character? Or was it your main for the first game? Or did you chose by their play style?

I main Harley in the first game so main her here too. Picked her up in injustice 1 cuz she's always been my favorite dc character
I picked batman up just before injustice 2 playing on injustice 1 he's by far my favourite dc character. Also his gameplay allows rushdown and good ways to deal with zoning.


Boon Pls.
Rate each character based on how much I like their character and how much I like their playstyle. Eliminate the lowest few characters and repeat until I've got an idea of who I want to play.


Stand 4'ing airplanes out of the sky
So I'm maining Joker right now and as a Raiden fan I of course expected to roll with Black Adam (who I also really liked in Injustice 1). However, I really dislike his lightning sound effects and how some of his animations changed from I1.

So Joker. During the Watchtower stream I saw:

- A Joker design that made him look kinda zombified, which I really liked.
- An unblockable charge move when used at longer ranges.
- The most godlike looking parry ever (the electricity sounds much more satisfying than any of Black Adam's moves).
- A super where you Jason Todd people.


STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Didn't wanna main my IGAU mains again (Flash, NW) and one of them doesn't exist anyway.

Love wonder woman as a character (not really in the story mode in this game, but alas) and love playing space control (aka sub main). CC felt too obvious so, here we are.


Yarrrr Matey
Favorite character for me, I absolutely love Red Lanterns so as soon as I saw Atrocitus was going to be in game, I had to main him. But tbh, I realllllly dislike how he looks and hope NRS releases gear or something to make him look more like he does in the comics.


Bacon Lettuce Tomato
I'm playing Canary because she's fun as hell. Combo swag is a huge factor for me and she's got it in spades. I can see her flaws, but they aren't enough to keep me from playing her.

Although I think when people start fuzzying 21/23, she's gonna get pretty well figured out and we're gonna have to rely more on db2 setups and B1 spacing.


I still haven't picked, but I'm working hard on a legacy character I knew since I'm going to combo breaker tomorrow.


"Scarab says you suck!"
Beetle (Jamie specifically) has been my 2nd favorite DC hero behind Raven since I saw him for the first time in Smallville, vs Booster Gold. I still read his comics and try to watch as many shows with him in them as possible :)


In Zoning We Trust
Took all of the zoning characters to the lab for hours, eliminated them one by one until the one I felt was best was the only one left. Endowed him with Main status.


I usually main females and most recently big bodies because no-one in my local scene used these type of characters. We have a rule that if someone in our local scene mains a character nobody else can main them up to 4 characters. After that filter I just pick the ones that look visually cool (swaggy) and learn them no matter if they are top, bottom or mid.


You will BOW to me!
When i saw that Doomsday wasnt going to be in IGAU 2, i wished Darkseid might make it. He did. I decided to main him if he would make it. I did. Then i saw he has issues. I still main him.

But now i have found that where Darkseid has issues, Bane can cover them. So my secondary is Bane.

Thinking of learning Scarecrow, or Batman (again), since mr Wayne is my favorite hero in the DC world.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Using mostly Fate for now because I like his space control, picking up Batman again because he's my favorite character and he's really easy and really really good, still working on Arrow, but he's sort of on the back burner.


Filled with determination
Was originally gonna play Cyborg, labbed Beetle while my friends were labbing their characters when the game launched and didn't stop playing Beetle I'm playing Superman a bit more now though just because I've always liked how Superman played and dive bomb resets amuse me.
I like to go for a multi character style, but I do have a "main" or character I am most comfortable with. He was mainly a side character for me from INJ1 but when I saw his new moves in his breakdown I knew I'd be comfortable with then with his old turbine and rocket shooting self.

But I know that a character single character rarely ticks all the boxes so I choose a character for very type of counterpick situation.

Before I went online I went through every character in practice mode, even the ones I didn't see myself playing in the future at all.

After bring 2-3 characters I liked from Week 1 practice to online I played more characters I knew with fill the gaps that I didn't get used to initially

To date my characters for dealing with matchups are:

Green Lantern: previous main makes him most comfortable pick, good well rounded character and not a bad choice to test the waters of an unfamiliar matchup

Supergirl: counter zoned with her mobility, heat vision and teleport punch

Green Arrow: similar to Lantern but with better wake ups, different zoning, and not as meter dependent

Atrocitus: go to rushdown character thanks to his good mids, pressure with Dex Star, and damage

Deadshot: go to zoner simple as that

ATL Jones Bro3

Dojo Trainee
I picked atrocitus because as a former sinestro and zod main I like playing character with a mechanic to where once I get my trait out I do whatever the hell I want.

I also picked Beetle because I love his flight mechanic and he can do a little of everything.


End Of Humanity
Well I always liked darkseid and wanted to play him , same with deadshot . I remember seeing him on arrow tv series when Injustice 2 wasnt even annouced yet and I thought " I wish he made it to some fg so I can play him" and here we are :D Im luck that both of them are zoners and im defensive player . I also like atrocitus , not my style of play but his looks and this badass flying cat made me play him too :D


TYM's #1 L taker.
I saw Firestorm For the first time in the intro trailer without knowing anything about him my brain told me I was going to main him, so I did.

Through gameplay I really enjoyed playing Batman and green arrow and I tried joker... I wanna main everyone but I'm focusing Firestorm to learn the game.


G.O.A.T Robin
For one I've always liked the Robins, Jason is my favorite Robin but Damian is a very close second.
Secondly Robin's gameplay just spoke to me, it fit how I want to play very well.


There was no Hawkgirl or Martian Manhunter for me to latch onto in this game. Luckily for me, I really loved Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle (primarily due to Young Justice) and Vixen (primarily due to the origin Justice League Unlimited show). They're two of my top five favorite heroes and luckily they're both insanely fun with very divergent play styles and aesthetically and personality wise they nailed them perfectly. I hope they compliment each other match up wise, but if not nothing changes.