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How are you learning the game?

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
10. Use less gimmicks and more solid play.
i dont really necessarily agree with this 100%. i think its good to check your opponent if he knows how to deal with gimmicks or not. if he doesn't keep doing them until they stop working. its a great way to beat people who are technically better than you and it goes a long way.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
Yeah it sucks. There's no local scene in my area so i'm usually just playing online and I'ved reached a point were I feel like I can't get better until I play someone in person. The lag is just so hard to overcome.
where are you located?


Meta saltmine
1) Get the game to play casually;
2) Check out what your fav from the last game can do;
3) Pick another character;
4) Miss all the high level events, staying clueless about general strategies;
5) Get pissed about things that probably won't ever concern you.

Deleted member 9158

1. Figured out combos off of all of my starters, meterless, with 1 bar, midscreen, and corner.

2. Watch good players to see what they're doing.

3. Training mode to learn what is unsafe about whatever character I want to learn how to fight against.

4. Training mode training mode training mode.

5. Play against people. Get blown up? Go back to step 2 and repeat the cycle.
This is especially true when trying out new characters. I ate so many uppercuts online with shinnok yesterday :(
1. Training mode.
2. Go Online
3. Get pissed off because of lags and no combo works which ive just learned in training mode
4. Eject disc and play PES 2015

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
1. Play every character in practice mode seeking most comfortable character.
2. Pick up Ermac
3. Find BnB
4. Come on TYM and find whatever I missed
5. Go online
6. Wreck scrubs
7. Read hate mail
8. Smoke a bowl
9. Repeat steps 5-7.
10. #swag
1. Training mode, test all strings to learn which ones are quick, where they hit, which ones are cancellable, range, and which ones launch.

2. Traning mode, look at all the specials in each variation, perform them as stand alones and ex. Then see which ones extend combos and damage from what i found in step 1.

3. See how the gravity works and how many of the identified strings in step 1 i can use before using a special, tinker with this until i feel damage and setups are maximized.

4. Rationalize that my character sucks on TYM based on what i've found, and taking complete hear say as an absolute.

5. Try my character in a match with 2 full seconds of input delay, receive hate mail, go back to step 1 and pick a character with a hat.


The Free Meter Police
i dont really necessarily agree with this 100%. i think its good to check your opponent if he knows how to deal with gimmicks or not. if he doesn't keep doing them until they stop working. its a great way to beat people who are technically better than you and it goes a long way.
Not to mention. Saying things like "less gimmicks and more solid play" is about the most vague statement ever made in regards to fighting games.


Practice, practice, practice (I'm stubborn).
Check TYM if I missed anything regarding a character (sometimes I do and sometimes I have stuff that's not here yet in terms of combo's)
Every time I log onto MKX I always spend at least 10 mins in practice before I go online to I suppose warm up a bit and see if my muscle memory is okay.
Out of the 30 hours I have so far in practice, 20 of those hours are actually spend with just 1 character (Ermac)

And when I find people that are better than me online, I like to continue playing with them to learn stuff regarding either gameplay in general, or more about the character they use.
Most of the time while doing that and getting the hang of someone elses playstyle I end up winning after a few matches.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
i dont really necessarily agree with this 100%. i think its good to check your opponent if he knows how to deal with gimmicks or not. if he doesn't keep doing them until they stop working. its a great way to beat people who are technically better than you and it goes a long way.
I agree, and that's the plan, but I also need the backup plan of solid play if they are indeed familiar with the gimmicks.


cr. HP Master
I spend most of my time in the lab learning whats punishable and being consistent at it. I occasionally go online to only get stomped due to reverse inputs failing.


Hot Gyahbage
1. Training Mode to dissect all my normals, specials, and combos. Whats optimal, whats situational and whats practical.

2. Go Online and begin more training. Only now with 500 pound ankle weights.


Really wants to like MKX
1. Spend most of your life playing "traditional" fighting games.
2. Play a bit of MK growing up but fall off after UMK3.
3. Play ANYTHING but MK and Injustice.
4. Struggle trying to unlearn decades of practice.
5. Lose a lot.
6. Lose even more online for various reasons.
7. Stay salty.
8. Play Xrd or Bloodborne instead.


Bug of tater's
1. Pick kenshi.
2. Story.
3.practice a lot
4. Get all variants down.
5. Online.
6. Too much practice I got 17 hours in already!
7. Learn how to play rather than practice.