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HOOO GAWD! Top 10 GBS matches from year 1



As a Bane player, hearing 16bit repeatedly say 'I'm so sick of this' fills my bones with sexual energy that can only be released by watching the video over. It is an infinite cycle. I am one with it. It fulfills me.
Slips' laugh at the end followed by a totally captain obvious "16 Bit is upset" comment is my favorite part of the video.


I wish I remember what set it was but I remember an epic winners finals (I think) between Slips and 16 Bit that's my all-time favorite Injustice set. I think 16 Bit won in the end but Slips made some miraculous comeback in one match. Those two guys are my favorite to watch when playing against each other.
Not to sound like too big of a fanboy/noob but I leveled up my game a lot simply by watching GBS. I've even gotten to play a few people from GBS @Yoaksssss and @GGA Max on XBL and PSN. I love the hype commentary and watching the progression of the players; it's become a staple of my week. "Moooore POP-OFFS"