Right. It IS common sense to cancel the dash half way through. Too bad that doesn't help much with the actual input. If you're doing U4 bomb, it's actually beneficial to cancel it as late as possible, since it gives you much better oki; in the case of my reset (and J360's, for that matter), canceling the dash late makes it impossible to escape by rolling. So much for common sense. He was wanting to know how to do the combo. Not make a reset.
I'll do you a courtesy in not taking that as an insult, and I'll clarify:
- Rarely will I openly attack another poster unless they instigate. LOL, then what do you call all the rude remarks and instagating comments in damn near every post you make? I'm sure this is subject to debate even if you look at it objectively, but I will stand by that. Of course you will. Because you can't admit your uber snide almost everytime you post on this site. I won't say this is the case literally every time, but rarely do I just up and decide to lash out at people for no reason. No, your rude everytime. When I call someone out, it's either to retaliate or to make a point.
- I don't moderate those forums. I DO, however, moderate this forum. This forum was filled with all sorts of hate around the time that people were debating whether or not Cyber Sub needed buffs, and I did nothing to keep the peace then. Why? It wasn't my job. It shouldn't matter wether your a mod or not. You should throw in your 2cents for your love for the fighter and the community if nothing else. I wasn't the forum mod then, I was just another jackass posting on the boards. I assumed that if it was deemed to be an issue by a staff member, they would see to it. At this point, it IS my job, and so I will take whatever measures I deem necessary to make sure my job is being done. You openly attacked me, more or less unprovoked (I told you were wrong, holy shit, stop the presses). How you handle yourself on this site gives everyone a perfectly fine reason to "attack" you. I chose to reprimand you for it. If another poster had openly attacked you, I'd have reprimanded them for it, at least in the likely event that it lead to conflict. Bottom line: It's not my job to moderate the other forums. It IS my job to moderate this one, and I do it only out of love for the character (mostly because he gets none whatsoever). Were it not for that, I honestly wouldn't care. So you have no love for the community itself? Well then, why are you a mod? I mean, it certainly seems that way. Your always rude and snide to everyone here.