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Hi, Im Mark, and Im a MKaholic

Ive tried to quit but to no avail. I try to take a break and watch tv but everything i see reminds me of a fatality. I go outside for a walk and suddenly have the urge to 2,2,force lift,j4,teleport,2,2,force push the person who smiles at me as they pass by. So I have now accepted my addiction and its mk all day everyday from now on for me.

Anyways Ive spent alot of time lurking this forum since mk9 released and have learned pretty much all i know from it so I figured Id make an account. Thanks to all those who contribute on here as its been very helpful.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Welcome to TYM...home of MKaholics like yourself! :)