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Just found this community, pretty sweet stuff you guys got going on here.

I'm Charlie, originally from Pennsylvania, currently in Syracuse NY - that whole college thing.

Life long MK'er. My family owns a vending business, and I remember when MK released way back when.. I rushed home from school to get to the office so I could check out "the new game with all the blood in it!"... and well, it took on a life of its own.

Anywho. I play on 360. My XBL is GS leideN

Feel free to hit me up.

Oh, and if anyone knows of any events in a moderate proximity of CNY, lemme know. I'm considering going to MLG to spectate in March. Depends on the money flow.


I have friends out in that area, so I don't think I'd have to worry about the hotel - which is a huge part of the money issue. So as long as they are like YEAH CRASH HERRR BUD! I'll be there.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Welcome to the site. :)

It's the best place I've found to learn the things you need to know about MK. Some great strategies and things here. Have fun.



It is Penn, yes. They did a show in Jersey over the summer. Hung out afterwards and got to meet him and Teller. Awesome experience.

Penn actually was eating in the same restaurant as my girlfriend and I, a couple tables away. If I didn't worry so much about bothering people, I totally would have said something then - but when I met him after the show, he kinda looked at me and then said "How was your meal?"

Too cool.


I don't play Runescape
Hi there, Charlie. Or Leiden, whichever you prefer. Either way, welcome to TYM, I hope you find a great time and some cool strats here, mate! :)


Fully Composed
Welcome to the site, man! Your name looks familiar. I might've run into you on XBL before. Hit me up sometime if you wanna get some matches in :)