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Hey, TYM. Glad to be here!


Hey, guys. Don't usually do these posts, but from what I've lurked, you seem like a pretty tight knit community, so I figured I'd say hi before I started posting here.. Hi!
MK9 is my first MK, and the first fighting game I've taken seriously in terms of competition and stuff, so! Hoping to learn some stuff from you guys! Hahaa.

I'm on 360, and m gamertag is RobCav, if anyone wants to throwdown. I'm not great, so you may want to boost your W/L on me, hahaa.

Finally, quick question! For someone who's probably too young to set foot in many arcades, (even at 18, haa), is it worth getting a fight stick, or will the learning curve not matter, since I'm so accustomed to using d-pads?

Thanks a lot!
Finally, quick question! For someone who's probably too young to set foot in many arcades, (even at 18, haa), is it worth getting a fight stick, or will the learning curve not matter, since I'm so accustomed to using d-pads?

Thanks a lot!
For the 360 I feel a stick is important, however, if you know you're good stick (haha pun) with the controller. I'm loving using one, but that's cause it's a lolPS3 one. It just works for me. There aren't any real arcades in my area so I'm in the same boat, just for a different reason.

Tldr, stick with what you're comfy with if you don't go to arcades often/at all.

Hope this helps!


Thanks, LD! I figured this might be the case! No point laying down £30+ for something I might not even like!
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