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Hey guys


So not much to it i'm a student in Alabama and I love fighting games. I am really enjoying Mortal Kombat so far and am always trying to improve. I haven't decided on a main yet but I do have some favorites (KL, Quan Chi, Sub,). I'll probably go through the majority of the cast at least once, but I pick characters off of who I enjoy not their tier placement. I wish i could play offline but my location and being in school don't really allow for it :/ but if anyone ever wants some friendlies via XBL hit me up.

Also i would like to thank THTB, Tom Brady, Sequel and Milk for answering questions I have asked and just providing this site with excellent game knowledge


Venom Addict/Space Pope
Don't listen to Dai. He's bad. Lol Jk. P.S. Go Sub-Zero! Oh and welcome to TYM :D


Venom Addict/Space Pope
Hey Gzus, hold this shoulder and unblockable lightning for me for a second, I gotta go find a better Sub Zero to play. ;p
Hold my half-assed combos and waste your breaker on a combo I would've dropped anyway. You bad. Lol.


I'll make sure to give Nighwolf a shot but Sub-Zero is a childhood fav so yea...

also if i'm allowed to ask questions here has there been any confirmation on the release of Kenshi and Skarlett DLC yet? I feel like I have looked everywhere but I can't find any info on a release date.


Nightwolf Mourner
I'll make sure to give Nighwolf a shot but Sub-Zero is a childhood fav so yea...

also if i'm allowed to ask questions here has there been any confirmation on the release of Kenshi and Skarlett DLC yet? I feel like I have looked everywhere but I can't find any info on a release date.
Don't quote me on this, but I believe they are waiting for PSN to go back up.


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