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Hey folks


Forum General Emeritus
Hi Guys. I'm a member/mod over at the other two MK forums, but didn't really know about TYM until I went to WB this past month. I also enjoy hosting online tournaments from time to time. Nice to see such a wide mix of MK players on this site.

I'm primarily an MK2 guy, but I'm slowly learning UMK3 and will of course be playing MK9 hardcore once it is released.

PSN - DCIguy01


Premium Supporter
You were eating breakfast with Nit/summoning Saturday morning at Winter Brawl, right? At least I think I have the right person... lol

Please, correct me if I'm wrong..

Either way, welcome to the site!


Forum General Emeritus
LOL, yeah that was me. I was having (a very overpriced) waffle that morning and Summoning came up to me. We started talking about setting up the MK2 tourney that day. I met so many people at WB that I've seen online for years. Nice to finally put names to faces (yours too.)


Premium Supporter
LOL, yeah that was me. I was having (a very overpriced) waffle that morning and Summoning came up to me. We started talking about setting up the MK2 tourney that day. I met so many people at WB that I've seen online for years. Nice to finally put names to faces (yours too.)
Yeah, the next time we're there... please let us show you the simple way to McDonald's, Taco Bell, and I think Burger King... :)

I made that mistake at NECXI and getting a burger at that damn BISTRO place... like an $11 burger. :( lmao


Yeah, the next time we're there... please let us show you the simple way to McDonald's, Taco Bell, and I think Burger King... :)

I made that mistake at NECXI and getting a burger at that damn BISTRO place... like an $11 burger. :( lmao
I got a free Big Mac from Aure. In return, he made me look like a crack head.


Premium Supporter
I got a free Big Mac from Aure. In return, he made me look like a crack head.

That was hilarious... Aure is a hoot. I don't think there was a time during that trip to BK that I wasn't laughing either in the backseat of Rob's car or at the restaurant. lmao

"FINISH HIM!" << (inside joke - Bone, remember?) lmao


Hi Guys. I've a member/mod over at the other two MK forums, but didn't really know about TYM until I went to WB this past month. I also enjoy hosting online tournaments from time to time. Nice to see such a wide mix of MK players on this site.

I'm primarily an MK2 guy, but I'm slowly learning UMK3 and will of course be playing MK9 hardcore once it is released.

PSN - DCIguy01
Welcome, to TYM. It looks like you already fit like a glove here, so happy posting! And maybe we can do some MK2, i'm on PSN too.
I got a free Big Mac from Aure. In return, he made me look like a crack head.
I loled. :p