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Her Majesty's Kouncil Episode 10 W/ TheGabStandard


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
It has been an insane month for the UK scene so unfortunatley it has taken its toll for HMK but we are back to discuss the avalanche of tournaments that have taken place since the games release. Everyone's schedule is a little crazy so it's a two man show this week.

Usual stuff is below:

start - Kombat Kup series and the current state of the UK scene.
32:00 Combo Breaker discussion and option selects
53:00 Characters that are / will be on the rise as the game progresses
1:13:00 Are throws too good? Should they be changed?
1:26:00 Thoughts for on line and the best way to use it.
1:32:00 Is it too early to determine match ups?

MP3 Version



Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Good listen guys.

I wasn't aware of the stream station setup having latency issues when it was connected to the stream, I spent most of my time climbing through losers bracket so I didn't get to play on it, that's interesting. As much as we were glad that F0xy lost the grand finals ( :p ) I can't help but think maybe that's what done him in when it came to his dropped hat shield links. I also had a station where I was suffering from dropped inputs and it put me off doing Flame Aura links mid-combo for most of the tournament.

Anyway, organization issues aside, I thought the tournament itself was an amazing experience. Was good to have the new blood from Injustice and most of the original PND crew under one roof.

This may sound controversial, but I actually think Ninjitsu, is (just as an example) a more optimal matchup against Takeda than Hellfire is, who knows, maybe I'm just not playing the matchup optimally as a player.

I also think it's too early to talk tier placements and matchups, my opinion should be taken with a pinch of salt since I'm a serial choke artist with Marksman's execution, but there's still too many matchups I'm uncertain about to call him #1.


Jay, you don't get call Sonya a bitch when you main scorpion.

Just saying man, let's keeps it real. What Sonya can do is quaint compared to hanzo....