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help with bnb

im new to TYM so sorry im posting in the wrong place.

im pretty experienced with all characters besides NW and I know he's amazing since I picked him up but im having trouble with the bnb.

Hatchet, B+2~hatchet, dash~1, Dash~1, Dash~122 shoulder

towards the end where you have to dash is my trouble. I can do it, just not as consistently as I would like because the 122 part at the end whiffs.
maybe im not inputting fast or cleanly enough, but any help is appreciated.

training,training,training. There are no shortcuts to run, train enough to get the time.. use the dash just before the recovery of his blows!

only lift the butt of the couch when you can LOL

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Another option is just doing 1 jab. It's more consistent and NO BODY hits the 2 dash version 100%. So in tourneys I will just do the 1 dash.

You can also do combo into axe, axe, 1 1 12 choke. 2-3% less damage but much easier.