What's new


So I'm new here, let me tell you guys a bit about myself.

I've never played MK competetively. My first MK game was MK1 on SNES. I still have it. I never got a chance to play many of them, in fact my next MK game was MK Trilogy. I bought both of the movies, because unlike most, I loved them. I later asked for MK Armageddon for Christmas, and played it all day Christmas day. I played online for the first time a few months later at my cousins house. I could only win with Taven, and lost most of my games, so I played the racing mini-game more.

A couple years back, I got a PS3. I started playing Call of Duty, and since then it has been my main game. I have a 2.64 K/D on Black Ops. For those 2 years, I was mainly a shooter player. Around June of last year I Picked up SSF4 and played that until my interest went away, just tired of all of the characters in that franchise. I've been active on another forums for SSF4 and have been one of the main 2 contributors on the MK subforums.

Some other little noteworthy facts about me.

-I'm a senior in HS
-I play guitar
-Metallica is my favorite band

If there are any questions about me feel free to ask.


Hi there Mr Metallica. Welcome to TYM.

For some reason I feel like I have seen your name and psn id on another site. Weird.
Unless you're a member on a SF4 forums then IDK where. IDK if I am allowed to say the name of the forums here, but if you want I can PM you.


Blue Blurs for Life!
In under four weeks, you'll realize that joining us is gonna lead to a shit-load of MK craziness.

Welcome to TYM!