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Hello everyone, I just quit WoW for MK9

yep, my name is Gary, and I'm from Augusta GA. I suppose you can call me an old schooler who played MK1 through 4 and SF2 in the arcades. But I've pretty much fallen off and been out of the fighting game scene since. I tried getting back into fighters with SSF4 but was getting blown up repeatedly online thanks to all my time spent playing WoW instead of practicing more. Seeing MK9 going back to its "glory days" roots drew me in and I've been hooked since. This time I gave WoW up to devote more time to learning this game. And that's why I've been browsing the boards here for a while, gathering info, and finally posting for the first time. :cool:


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Welcome to TYM! We have quite a few players from GA, including myself. :ninja:


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
I absolutely hate WoW. Congrats Gary, you made the right choice, you need any help here msg some of the members. We'll get you settled in and do the best we can to help you do as well as you possibly can In mk9. Our very own [user]Tom Brady[/user] has written up numerous guides for the mk9 characters so feel free to head on to the Character forums and crack down on your favorites.

We'll take care of ya. Welcome to TYM and please enjoy your stay.
ty everyone for the warm welcome. I already feel warm and fuzzy inside. :)

I don't think I have a true main yet, but it appears Kitana has the lead so far. I may give Sub-Zero a try as well, considering he was my main in MK1 and 2.

Tonight, I finally tried online for the first time. Done only two matches and won both, but wow...the input lag was so bad, I couldn't pull anything off. So I was forced to spam Kitana's fans to victory, which made me feel a bit scrubby. Hopefully the online play will improve soon.

and FWIW, I have MK9 for both PS3 and 360.


Welcome to TYM, and enjoy your stay.

I still play City of Heroes quite a bit - I far prefer it to WoW. Our own S1lent1 played it for awhile with me, but until MK9 online gets patched I've only got the AI for competition around here... :p


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Welcome to TYM! :)

Sweet to hear you decided to pick up a man's game. >.> <.<


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
Welcome to TYM and congrats on putting down WoW, I know it can be like crack lol.

You can get to character threads by clicking on there picture. Be sure to check out the Regional Matchmaking section to find Kombatants near you.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact a staff member and we will be glad to help you out.

Enjoy your stay!


Welcome to TYM. Looks like we're 3 hours away from each other head on over to the Atlantic South Forum and post in the GA thread so we can start the matchmaking for games.