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Hello :D

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Get on that hook
I recently discovered I do pretty well with Cyrax without being serious with him(I use him as a troll character for the 80%+ resets).
So I decided to take him seriously and actually try to do well with him.It's successful so far.He pretty much became my counter-pick character.

But I want to challenge myself, I want to use Cyblax.Because for 1 his name is funny as hell.Secondly, he seems more "legit" than Cyrax.

Long story short: I'd like some advice on what should I change on my gameplay to use Cyblax better.I tend to use him like regular Cyrax and I get blown up due to the slow net and bomb recoveries.


"More stealthful than the night"
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Everything you need to know is in the thread 'Cyrax and Cyblax', the info there should answer any questions you might have on him :)