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Has NRS silenced the Mortal Kombat 1 critics?

Has NRS silenced the Mortal Kombat 1 critics?

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Had I posted someone saying this only in reverse, you would be one of the first ones stating it is only an opinion. But because it’s someone saying the game is great, it now becomes “facts”.

Whether someone likes the game or not is subjective, there are some that really do enjoy the game, however, unfortunately, this is probably the first time Mortal Kombat has faltered with such a large number of its audience.

Saying the game is a 10 out of 10 game is someone’s opinion, and to those people the game may very well be something that they enjoy very much. It certainly doesn’t make them a shill.

Likewise, and this is something that vulgar struggles with very much, saying you do not like the game does not make you a hater.

If saying you don’t like the game makes you negative, then saying you love the game makes you toxic positive. Stating your opinion doesn’t make you anything other than someone that likes or dislikes the game and none of these people should be called out for it.

Notice, in the history of Mortal Kombat from the very first one through the first 25 years I’m also one of the best to ever do it, however, because I personally don’t enjoy this game It is considered nothing more than negativity and hating from an idiot too stupid to understand anything about Mortal Kombat. Should pig also have said he doesn’t like the game, his opinion would be dismissed by people on this forum as hating, but because he loves it he’s one of the best to ever do it who is speaking nothing but fact.

When are people on a video game form going to learn to have people have different opinion without being complete assholes to each other over it.. oh wait, I forgot.. They disguise it as “trolling “

For what it’s worth, I am quite enjoying the stream, and I love how positive everyone has been about this event and the people who attended. If the community was more like this for the last 15 years, we would probably be in a much better place
Oh my god, Tom. Get off my dick.

I ain't gonna fuck you, dawg.


Zoning Master
I don’t make up fake issues...
"FGC sells dreams" is a fabricated issue for all the reasons that I have already mentioned in previous pages.

The false claim that "teenagers are dropping out of high in order to pursue a career in the FGC" is a consequential matter, not one to sensationalize on YouTube.

Depending on the jurisdiction and school district, guardians can be held legally accountable when a minor stops attending public school.

If you and Foxy want to troll each other about "six figures", go right ahead, but leave the FGC and other people out of your quarrel.

Let’s see
You complained non stop about MK9
Complained about Injustice
Complained about MKX
Skipped Injustice 2
Complained about MK11
Now complaining about MK1
What else is new here?
You are mistaken about Tom.

So are many other people, especially Crimson.

He is articulate, informative, and entertaining as long as he discusses the gameplay.

Competitive players complain about games, metas, characters, and match ups, including most of the individuals who now earn a paycheck from WB/NRS.

After losing to my Feddy in Mortal Kombat 9, he immediately shook my hand and commended me on my zoning, a rarity at that time.

We then had a drink and went on stream... the most viewed segment ever for a local event in Ohio to this day. Great times!

I am proud to call Tom one of my closest friends in the FGC, but I am also not reluctant to criticize him when necessary.
I personally would love MK1 to be the foundation for future MK games, just nerf Sindel, Havik, Kitana, Homelander & Ermac :p
I hope they don’t buff Quan, Tanya or PM.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
This is a big negative to Mortal Kombat.

"You like Kung Lao? Hell yeah, bunch of multi hit normals, dive kicking around, good anti airs, pushing a lot of buttons, "learn from this," ass being all confident in a mature way, yea nice, you should play the cringey ass bat lady voiced by Megan Fox."

Characters are fighting games. I think the changing of characters for the new era was a mistake.
I very clearly told you and @Vulgar to no longer interact publicly. This is another public warning, the last one. If it happens again, you will be suspended. I know I sound like an asshole, and regardless who has been “worse” in this feud, he has at least been holding up his end of the bargain (afaik). If you can’t help yourself, put him on your ignore list as I advised.

Neither of you like this post or respond to it. Just stop, please.



Onlinecale just won another tournament with Lao & Homelander.
Kung lao was struggeling to get wins, and when he won, it was bc a bunch of sweeps and smart sektor missles that allowed KL to get a combo out of it.

OnlineCale dropped Kung lao (as usual) and needed Omniman to eventually win the game.. Sektor is a good kameo, we know it...
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Regarding Lao:

I have a hard time concluding that he "needs" buffs, because he already seems like a top 15 character, or at the very least a character that is firmly in the "competitively viable" tier of characters. Cleary not top 5, but he's not exactly hurting. So what's the justification for him "needing" buffs? If it's a way to make the character more interesting, or making an existing move more useful I'm all for that, but I don't know what the justification is to make him more powerful. The majority of characters in any fighting game are not top 5.

It also raises the question for me, are buffs/nerfs a zero-sum game? If Lao gets more buffs and moves up the tier list, doesn't that just simply move other characters down, and then wouldn't they be in the same spot as "needing" buffs?


Kung lao was struggeling to get wins, and when he won, it was bc a bunch of sweeps and smart sektor missles that allowed KL to get a combo out of it.

OnlineCale dropped Kung lao (as usual) and needed Omniman to eventually win the game.. Sektor is a good kameo, we know it...
Kung lao was struggeling to get wins, and when he won, it was bc a bunch of sweeps and smart sektor missles that allowed KL to get a combo out of it.

OnlineCale dropped Kung lao (as usual) and needed Omniman to eventually win the game.. Sektor is a good kameo, we know it...
If you’re not Sindel, Havik, Noob, Ermac or Kenshi you will struggle in this game.
That doesn’t meant buff Lao, it means nerf the top5.


MK1 is the best MK period.
If it's a way to make the character more interesting, or making an existing move more useful I'm all for that,

If Lao gets more buffs and moves up the tier list, doesn't that just simply move other characters down, and then wouldn't they be in the same spot as "needing" buffs?
My changes won't shift the meta. The changes I presented takes existing moves and realigns them to make him more fundamentally sound.

If anything my changes makes him more responsible with meter because he loses armor on BF2 and actually gives him a game plan.
My changes won't shift the meta. The changes I presented takes existing moves and realigns them to make him more fundamentally sound.

If anything my changes makes him more responsible with meter because he loses armor on BF2 and actually gives him a game plan.
I wouldn’t mind orbiting hat for a bar +3 on block :p

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
The last 2 streams of MK Pro Kompetion were good, which it's enough to display that the game is on a really good place.
I just think it took too long to get to this state, this should be version 1 or version 2 of the game at launch, we would been having a very different discussion by now.

But i've enjoyed what i've watched, who ever stuck with the game and it's playing on the highest level right now, deserves their flowers, movement feels like a refined MK9 dash system, the flow of the game just works, and there is compromise even on strats

The team Javier is running, sacrifices getting blown up with armor, in exchange he gets to kill you with combos that you can't break which end on mixup up situations where in some cases you can't even wakeup, if he blocks he kills you, if you guard and he throws, he kills you, if you duck the throw and he does a knee, he kills you.
Just an example.

And everyone has been playing exceptionally well to keep the interest going, just hope NRS doesn't do the dumbest thing which is to abandon the game now that it's on a good state and start supporting the game for at least another season with revisions and changes, take time to perfect this formula before they inevitably flush some of the ideas to the toilet.

I'm already seeing Mk12 being a Tag game where instead of Kameo we will get 2 playable characters per match


The last 2 streams of MK Pro Kompetion were good, which it's enough to display that the game is on a really good place.
I just think it took too long to get to this state, this should be version 1 or version 2 of the game at launch, we would been having a very different discussion by now.

But i've enjoyed what i've watched, who ever stuck with the game and it's playing on the highest level right now, deserves their flowers, movement feels like a refined MK9 dash system, the flow of the game just works, and there is compromise even on strats

The team Javier is running, sacrifices getting blown up with armor, in exchange he gets to kill you with combos that you can't break which end on mixup up situations where in some cases you can't even wakeup, if he blocks he kills you, if you guard and he throws, he kills you, if you duck the throw and he does a knee, he kills you.
Just an example.

And everyone has been playing exceptionally well to keep the interest going, just hope NRS doesn't do the dumbest thing which is to abandon the game now that it's on a good state and start supporting the game for at least another season with revisions and changes, take time to perfect this formula before they inevitably flush some of the ideas to the toilet.

I'm already seeing Mk12 being a Tag game where instead of Kameo we will get 2 playable characters per match
Regarding further support - it could mean nothing, but thetiny (the guy who reliably datamines stuff, like floyd, ghostface, cyrax and sektor months before their inclusion) is saying there are 8 new DLC slots in the game files that showed up with Conan, one of them now being occupied by Madam Bo. This could mean we either get nothing, or just get perhaps another kameo and another base character, or maybe we even get 3 more kameos and 4 more characters.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Regarding further support - it could mean nothing, but thetiny (the guy who reliably datamines stuff, like floyd, ghostface, cyrax and sektor months before their inclusion) is saying there are 8 new DLC slots in the game files that showed up with Conan, one of them now being occupied by Madam Bo. This could mean we either get nothing, or just get perhaps another kameo and another base character, or maybe we even get 3 more kameos and 4 more characters.
I'm actually looking forward to Madam Bo'
Slowly but surelly Bo' Rai Cho versions are becoming my favorite Shaolin Monk archtype by far, and funny enough they are always the last entry in MK games now

Hope i could design the next version of Bo' Rai Cho for your enjoyment