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Hardest CPU


In your opinion, what's the MK game which has the hardest CPU ever? I could prolly ask this question in a general forum that would include the 3D games, but the 2D's CPUs looks harder to beat, right?.
There's a pattern when playing on the 2P side that makes the MK2 CPU very easy to beat. JK, sweep twice, CPU will jump backwards, take one step forward, and repeat. Or, JK, sweep twice, CPU will jump backwards, and you can walk him into the corner. He'll keep walking backwards until time runs out. Works on all revisions and on all difficulties, but not on the 1P side.
Prob MKT dog that shit is hard. Fast too. And There are alot of broken chars too.
MKT Isn't that hard. Its nearly the same as UMK3. And use those cheap character stop beat em. The MK3 Series Has easy patterns that you'll learn sooner or later. When you"re good :)