I'll money match you. $20 for a first to 10.if i go i would like to play some series to 10 or 5 against you guys. last time we did not play any series not even in the tourney ( best of 3 is not a series to me). we could setup more than one tv and have 4 or 6 people playing series at the same time.
i think the whole point of going to this events is to play competitively and there is not better way to do that than playing series.

Money Matching is the only reason why first to 10 exist. :top:we didn't have any time to hold a series at WCW3. SHIT, MKDC tourny was spose to start @1130... we couldnt even get in the ballroom until 1145. When we finally found everyone, it was almost 1. UMK3 was to start by 2, but cuz of mkdc running late, it didn't start until 4.. We didn't hav time for series until the late night stream. I dont think anyone cared @ that point. it was just play time.
with the exception of the $$ matches.