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General/Other Guys I'm out, successor for the Combo Thread needed


Hi everybody, I have to resign from my position as the editor of the living combo thread. Unfortunately there's no offline scene in my region and my friends are no longer interested in Injustice. The net code of this game has been too inconsistent for my liking. Every game I play online is different than the one before which really messes up my punishing timings. On top of that I can't stop players from jumping at me all the time because the lag is too severe. It's so annoying when you expect somebody to jump, get ready for an anti air, you input it as soon as you see them jump and it's still too slow to hit them. I was kind of thunderstruck when I was asking for a way to get the anit airs done in another thread when someone told me he had already accepted to lose against jump happy batman players. But no one could offer me a better solution and I've experienced the same.

Now about the combo thread, perhaps someone can just copy paste everything and continue my work. If copying doesn't work I can send the code by email.

It was nice being a part of this community and working together on improving our character. Injustice was the first "real" fighting game that I took more serious, if you don't want to count Playstation All-Stars. I certainly learned a lot in the process. I wish you guys a good time and a lot of fun with this game. Maybe you'll be more lucky than I was.

Greetz Erazor